Fateful Meeting

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It was Dawn, the forest was just becoming alive with birds rising from their nests and antelope moving across dew coated grass and dirt. Sun was their wake up call but not only for them but the other residents who called this forest their home.Cold crisp air nipped at the faces of the young apes as they trailed behind their leader for patrol and gathering that day, not only where they not thrilled to be awoken before anyone else in  village to do patrol but their leader chosen for them this day wasn't their desired choice...Most would consider it an honor to have the scarred ape before them to teach them, not only was he a great warrior and hunter but advisor to the King and an honorary uncle to their prince but Koba was known to be very rough at times with with many of the warriors under him that was downright cruel at times, sure they had Rocket as a mentor before and he was no pleasure either but they would have preferred him over Koba any day.

"Out everyone we end up with Koba, must be bad day for us" A thin dark grey chimp signed to his friend as they knuckles through the forest.

The chubby grey chimp with white scruff of fur on top his head couldn't have agreed more at this as he yawned" and why wake up so early? we could be sleeping." He signed as he scratched his chest lightly

The thin chimp grinned a bit and nudged his friend playful" You too lazy Cloud, need more exercise" he signed before pointing to the ape called Cloud's chubby belly.

Cloud rolled his eyes before he shoved his friend lightly" I'm not need exercise Rain you just jealous my body stronger than yours"  he signed back to him with a smirk, Rain hooted in amusement and  it wasn't long before they began game of playful shoving each other. For a little bit it made them forget about their  displeasure of their placement or about their exhaustion.

But their good moment was soon cut short by the  angry chuff of the elder ape in front of them making them stop them movements and the playful hooting ceased as the smiles dropped to see the one good eye of the scarred bonobo staring them down as he stood up on his two legs walking over to them. The two young males right away became intimidated but the stronger older male making avert their eyes down to the ground as she became meek and docile.

" Wasting time, acting like children, you are warriors for village, we have job to do " he signed fast clearly he wasn't in good by their antics even if it was just a little fun between friends.

He huffed slightly his glare softened but not completely gone" ape obey Koba, Caesar tasked us with this, don't make Koba look like bad ape"  he signed before turning to knuckle up a head.

Both of them became deathly silent after this...all the apes knew just how greatly the scarred bonobo thought of Caesar, both of them considered themselves close as family...honorary brothers. Koba cared a great deal about how the King saw him and showing his importance to him, they knew better not ruin his image  in the wise rulers eyes 


Iris sat on a rock near the river bank with one knee near her leg while they other was spread out,watching the water move downstream gently causing small ripples of disturbance to form in it. Her faithful champion Bruce laid right next to her rock watching the water as well taking a few glances between his owner and there water every now and then even whining a bit, the brunette sighed as she began to tie up her long hair" I know this is boring boy but we have to wait to see if we get a catch today or else we won't much food this week" She told him which only made him whine more as he rested his head against the pebbles below him.

The young woman bundled herself in her brown old jacket feeling the chill of the morning air, winter was getting closer and closer by the day which meant she had to quickly stock up more food for her and the German Shepherd because once the first snow fell food would become very scarce. Iris woke up even before the crack of dawn to set up up the fishing net into the river which was a really a pleasant feeling in her bare feet with the water being colder than ice and would make hisd out but since she kept going in and out the water so many times to check the net the last couple hours her feet and most of her legs had become numb, she decided to check one last time for the day because she knew she get frostbite from the water alone pretty soon.

What Makes a Savage?: Good or Bad ApeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora