The lesson goes on for a while. Some students go up to the chalkboard and write down answers of what should have been a very easy problem. Yew adjusts his glasses, trying to get a better look at the board. The professor shakes her head, scolding the student for paying no attention to her instructions. She then turns to glance at Yew, gesturing him to fix the student's answer. As Yew stands up, he makes his way over to the chalkboard. A student sticks their leg out, tripping the brunet male on his way up. The class is filled with laughter, Yew's peers pointing at him. "Hey!" The professor shouts, her voice drowned out by the laughter. Yew's glasses had fallen off his face, and he begins to feel around the floor for them. A student kicks his glasses far away from him.

"That's enough!" shouts the professor. She sighs, rubbing her temples. "There is to be no foolishness in my classroom! Yew, head to the nurse's office." Yew nods, standing up from the dirty floor. He eventually finds his glasses, one of the lenses broken, and he puts the half-crooked glasses back on his face. As he walks over to the door, a student throws a paper airplane at him. Yew glares to his right, and the student mouths a "loser" before Yew opens the door, leaving for the medical bay, a long walk from here.

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"Here you go, mon cher." Nurse Magnolia examines the bruise on Yew's knee, applying some medical ointment on the wound. "You must have had a bad fall to take such damage. Does anything feel broken at all? Are you sure you can walk back to the dorms alone?" The look of concern on her face doesn't leave as Yew smiles and shakes his head slowly. He stands up with the aid of the nurse.

"I'm okay, Ms. Arch," he says as the white haired woman hands him his now slightly repaired glasses. She had apparently used some magic to repair the glasses, but the right lens still has some cracks and said lens needs replaced. Yew puts his glasses back on, fixing them on his face. "I promise, it's only a bruise. It'll heal over time. I've learnt quite a lot about medicine back in the sixth grade, so I can just use an ice pack and it'll feel better."

The tall nurse smiles. "Well that's very good news. Here," she hands Yew a hall pass. "Please take this, and return it when you next have class. I will write to your teachers that you need a day of rest after... what did you say happened?"

Yew shrugs. "I must have been dozing off and tripped on my shoelace." He takes the pass, putting it into his uniform pocket and begins to make his way over to the exit of the medical bay, until the door is forced open. Yew jumps back slightly, startled by the loud collision.

A boy no older than Yew, with long and pretty black hair, nearly collapses onto the ground, blood gushing from his nose as he stumbles into the infirmary. Yew helps the student into a nearby medical cot, cautious enough so he doesn't accidentally injure the boy any further. The other student lays down, hissing in pain. "Hey, Ms. Arch!" Yew calls for the nurse, but there is no response. Yew quickly finds a first aid kit, reaching for it and opening the kit up. He tries to think of what to grab. Alcohol wipes? Bandages? He finds a gauze and some bandages, patching up the boy's wounds carefully.

As he rolls the other male's uniform sleeve up, Yew notices how deep the bruise is, the mixture of blue and purple colours all over his arm. What in the world happened to this guy? Yew grabs for the same ointment Magnolia had given him for his own bruise, gently applying it to where it hurts most. "A-Are you all right?" Yew asks, timid and wide eyed. He nearly drops his medical supplies as he hurries to inspect the other wounds.

The boy grits his teeth, "What does it look like, six-star genius?"

Yew starts to sweat, internally panicking as he carefully wraps the gauze around the other student's bleeding wounds. The student yelps in pain. "Let me do it!" he sits upward, slapping Yew's hands away as he struggles to wrap the gauze. This poor kid... Yew stands back and watches. He only prays that Ms. Arch gets back here soon. Yew has only had experience in classes, but never something like this. Sure, he's tripped many times, no thanks to his pesky classmates. But this particular student is bleeding. Heavily.

city lights // jannyewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora