•|| Stuff ya need to know🙂 ||•

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You actually want a cover made by me? Or are you just curious??

Y u still here??

Turn back now!!

Come on!!!!




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Still here????
Okay then.

Here are the stuff you need to know!!

•||Terms and Condition||•

1.) If you want a cover made by me, I need your full cooperation and patience, because I am dedicating MY beloved freetime into this.

2.) Dont hold back your comments, so I know where I can improve, but please don't sharpen your words too much, cuz I'm only humaaaaaannnn and bleed aand I fall down!!!~~~~
But seriously though

3.)If you filled the form amd recived your cover already and find it nice enough to use for your book please at least give me credit on the description.Because I will not place any water mark on any of my works.

4.)If you already received your cover but is not satisfied (dont worry, I understand if you do) please atleast dedicate a chapter in your book with the covers I -second pass is •I have fully read terms and conditions•-  made on it, along with my username. Cuz I'm petty as heck and also an attention seeker.

5.)I will ask alot of questions regarding the book. Dont want that??? Aww well I'm sorry on wasting your effort in reading the first half of this. Oof

6.)If you are dissatisfied of your cover then I apologize for not reaching your expectation, but I am open for changes on the cover. And then bla bla bla bla bla do you guys even read this?? If yes then good for you.*insert slow claps*

7.)Hmmmm what do I put here...hmmm btw the first pass. Is (-eyes see you-). To get a cover ,payment is a follow on my account don't worry I usually follow back unless there is circumstances that is restricting me not too.

8.)Oh and addition to the follow, can you give my any of my published stories feed back and votes?? If not, the follow is fine but please... Give me feed back if you can.

9.) Part of the payment Is a vote on at least the first five chapters on this shop ^-^

10.) If know someone that is in need of a cover, and likes the types of covers I make feel free to recommend it!^-^

11.) Place this shop on one of your reading list please ^-^

Anyway move on along and thank for considering my book :)

Love,love, love
- me, duh
From who else do you expect it to come from?

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