Because unlike your toddler, you and Bakugou knew what would happen the moment you put her into the car. She was out like a light, and now her boots were fixed. And she was none the wiser.

"Katsuko, do you want to go see the elephants?" You asked your daughter.

She froze immediately, looking towards you with a sparkle in her eyes. A huge grin bursting across her face as she nodded eagerly. The puddle was soon forgotten and she ran back towards where you both had been watching her.

"Up! Up daddy!" She cried out, arms in the air, reaching for her father's shoulders again.

"Seriously? You just jumped into a nasty ass puddle!" Bakugou sighed, knowing that in the end, Katsuko would get her way.

Plus if he was being honest... he did feel better having her on his shoulders. This place was crowded and he did not want to lose his daughter in the crowds.

As Katsuko started to whine and beg to be put up, Bakugou reached down and lifted her up. She cried happily, Bakugou putting her on his shoulders, the little girl nuzzling into him.

"Elly! Elly!" She cried, eyes watching her mother as you took out her stuffed elephant.

"Can you hold it?" You asked her, raising a brow. "Because if you drop it... we might lose Elly forever."

Katsuko paused, looking towards the elephant with a sad look. Lose Elly? But... she also wanted to show Elly her family. Her tiny mind spinning as the little ash-blonde girl tried to think of what would be best.

"Mama hold until Ellys?" Katsuko asked, and you nodded.

"Yes. I'll hold onto Elly until we see the Elephants." You told her and then watched as she poked her father's cheek.

"What?" Your husband asked, his tone making Katsuko chuckle despite how it was a little bit rude.

"Daddy! Ellys!" She cried, and Bakugou rolled his eyes.

Katsuko was energetically speaking, though most of her words were still unintelligible, but you both could tell she was excited. Aside from dogs and cats... she loved elephants the most.

You walked next to your husband, wanting to hold his hand, but alas he had a grip on his daughter's legs to make sure she stayed on him and didn't fall. So you settled for walking in strides with him.

"How does it feel to be reduced to a 'horsey'?" You teased him, watching as he gave you a smug look back.

"Least I'm not a damn pack mule like you, mind reader."

"I'm not a mind reader, Katsuki." You huffed. "You know this... I know you know this."

"Cause you can read my mind."

You rolled your eyes, seeing that he must be in a particularly good mood if he was teasing you. Must be the fact that he was so happy that Katsuko was so happy. The once brash male having become an emotional leech. If his daughter was happy and content... he more than likely was as well.

As for you... you were just happy the two most important people in your life were so happy as well. And that today was looking to be such a good and happy day for you all.

Katsuko's happy babbling stopped suddenly, making both you and Bakugou turn to look at her. It seemed her eyes had caught onto something in the crowd, and with a wide smile, she started calling out to what she saw.

"Oni! Oni!" She clapped her hands. "Kame! Kame!"

You and Bakugou both looked out to see if she really was seeing who she thought she was seeing. Katsuko had seen enough of the now-graduated UA students to recognize them... but at a zoo, and together?

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now