Chapter 12

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Claudia was waiting in her dad's office. Today she would help Callum learn dark magic, and she was excited. Claudia knew that magic had always interested Callum, so she had pulled a few strings. Now he would be learning dark magic with her.

"Has the prince arrived yet?" Lord Viren said entering the office and interrupting Claudia's thoughts simultaneously.

"I'm here," Callum said as he ran into the room out of breath, "I'm here!"

"Yay, that means we can get to work!" Claudia said clapping her hands. Then tilting her head towards her father added, "So... what first?"

"Actually I hoped you would show Callum some of the basics today," Lord Viren told Claudia.

"Oh of course!" Claudia said. Then grabbing Callum's hand, she guided him out of her dad's office. Claudia didn't know where to start, she had so much she wanted to teach Callum. This was going to be so much fun!

"Where are we going?" Callum asked as Claudia dragged him down the hall.

"To the library!" Claudia said through a smile. Callum only nodded in response and soon the pair was in the library. Claudia tensed as they walked over the trap door that went to the elf's prison cell.

"You alright Claudia?" Callum asked when he saw Claudia tense.

"Oh yeah, I'm just fine," Claudia lied, "I just don't know where to start with your training. There is so much I want to show you." With that Claudia brought Callum to the row containing books of dark magic. She started pulling books off the shelves and handing them to Callum. Soon the pair was at a table marking spells for Callum to try.

"What about this one?" Callum said pointing to a spell that would make perfectly light pancakes. Claudia laughed as she recalled when she had made those for him, but of course, he didn't remember.

"We should definitely give that one a go," Claudia said laughing, but stopped when she noticed that the book didn't have the complete the spell, "Hey Callum, can I borrow a pencil? There's a mistake in this book."

"Yeah, here you go," Callum said as he reached into his pocket. When he pulled out a pencil a piece of paper fell out too. Claudia reached down and picked up the paper.

"What's this?" Claudia asked Callum as she started to open the folded paper.

"Wait, no! Please don't look at it," Callum said as he desperately tried to retrieve the paper.

"It's not a big deal I see your drawings all the ti-" Claudia stopped midsentence as she starred at Callum's drawing. It was a sketch of Rayla. But...but how? Callum shouldn't remember Rayla, yet this drawing was obviously one of his. Did this mean her spell wasn't as full proof as she had thought?

"Do you not like it?" Callum asked as he reached out for his sketch.

"No, it's not bad, but the elf doesn't look evil," Claudia said, handing the drawing back to Callum.

"Oh well, I haven't ever met an elf so I w-wouldn't know," Callum chuckled awkwardly. Claudia squinted her eyes suspiciously at him. There was no way he could've found the trap door that led to Rayla. So then how had been able to draw such a quality picture of the elf? Claudia couldn't ask Callum where he had seen Rayla, it might tip him off. So she would just have to ask someone else.

"You have a crazy imagination huh," Claudia said as she fixed the mistake in the spellbook.

"Oh yeah, my imagination is totally wack," Callum said as he returned to looking through the books. The two continued in silence. Claudia felt the minutes crawl by. It's not that she didn't enjoy the time with Callum, she just had an elf to interrogate. 

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