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author pov.

“ a-actually i don’t know what to do... ” jisung said as the others look at him confused , “ what do you mean sungie ? ” hyunjin ask softly , knowing that jisung is sensitive right now .

“ you see... i loved kangmin so its hard for me to break up with him , even though he cheat on me... maybe he has a reason ? maybe the reason is because he notice me being a little weird ? ” jisung said and the others doesn’t think that make sense at all .

“ look jisung , he cheat on you . he. cheated . ” changbin said as he hold jisung’s hand . jisung look at him as he sigh . “ i don’t know... ” jisung said as he look down .

“ jijie... don’t you love me ? ” minho asked , he was sad... and hurt . jisung look at minho as he smile lightly , “ hyung... im afraid hyung... ” jisung said as he bite his lip .

“ what are you afraid of ? ” minho said as he scoot closer to jisung . “ im afraid that maybe im using you... im afraid that i’ll hurt you with my stupid emotion , im afraid... to love you again . ” jisung said as minho just look at him .

jisung look away as he sigh . “ i just... i need time ” jisung said as he get up , “ thank you guys ” jisung said and walk out from minho’s house , ignoring the calls from his friends .

- - - - - - - - - -



whats wrong ?




you just left without saying anything to us !

minho can’t stop crying sungie

did he do something wrong ?

what happend ?


jinnie , there’s nothing wrong .

i just don’t know why im being like this .

its not his fault , its me.

im the problem .


what do you mean sungie ?

you know he really love you !


i can’t believe in love anymore

just look at kangmin ! he said the same thing but look what he just did ?


your afraid

its not hurt to try sungie

give a chance to minho

i know you love him too...

jisung sigh as he put down his phone as he lay on his bed

im afraid... jisung thought as he look outside his window , he grabs his phone as he decide to text kangmin .



we need to talk

kangmin hyung

hi bbyy

what do you want to talk about ?


be honest , you cheat on me right ?

kangmin hyung

is this a prank or what ?

jisung why would i cheat ?


i saw you today at the cafe with another boy...


kangmin hyung

so you were there...


so you admit it...

lets break up

kangmin hyung

what why ?

i dont want , i love you jisung !

please give me a chance ?



i don’t want to give you a chance anymore hyung

its better to end this

kangmin hyung

meet me at latte cafe tomorow at 10

we’ll talk about it there .

i really want our relationship to work out jisung...

im sorry...

- part 25 ends -

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