Chapter XIX - Arienne

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I'm shocked to find that the entire court has turned out to greet us.

"Just be incredibly quiet and act like you're too distraught at the sight of your hometown to speak," my conversation partner whispers. I shoot him a strange look but there is no point lying to him. He's been with us for the past week after all.

Joffrey jumps down from his stallion without glancing at me and strolls with open arms to his mother, Cersei, who is stood in the centre of the crowd who have been awaiting our arrival. Beside her, I spot Margaery, who is glaring at me with so much fury that I wonder if she can see straight into my stomach and my three angels that rest within. I avert my gaze as the guard helps me to climb down from my horse. "My lady," he mutters, before leading my horse away without so much as a backwards glance.

I can see that everyone's eyes are upon me, waiting for me to do something. I take the guards advice and remain silent, only crossing over to where my cousins Kyro and Zach is stood with crossed arms, glaring at me as angrily as Margaery. For a moment I just stand and stare at the pair of them. When they learn the truth, will they ever forgive me?

I decide to make the most of this final week that Joffrey has promised me and hold my arms open. A tear escapes my eye and their faces melt. "Arienne..." Kyro sighs. Zach is the first to grab me and encase me in his muscular arms. His hug is more brotherly than anything else, much to his disappointment. But it's a comfort all the same, and the warmth grows as Kyro joins in. Finally, my uncle appears from nowhere and joins us. He's not spoken to me since Aunt Morgausa was sent back to Dorne, but he appears to have forgiven me. "Oh child," he whispers, "what have you done?"

I don't have time to be shocked because I hear someone clear their throat behind me. Kyro, Zach and my uncle release me immediately and bow, meaning the cough can only come from Joffrey. I turn slowly, I must say that his acting is very good. He's hiding his love for me very well, and so I make sure to keep up the act by curtseying deeply. "Your Grace, thank you for allowing me to visit my hometown. I will be forever in your debt."

He raises an eyebrow and flashes the playful smirk that his subjects know him for, not the warm, gently smile he always uses when we're alone. Joffrey nods, "It's a pleasure. My friends are important to me, and I regard you as one of my friends, Lady Arienne. Good day." He turns on the heel of his riding boot and swaggers inside, followed closely by the retinue of courtiers and ladies who stalk him like hounds.

I think that for a moment, I've escaped any confrontation, but Margaery stops in front of me and gives me a glare that could destroy the heavens. "Lady Arienne. I'd like to inform you that you are removed from my service, as I no longer feel that it's appropriate to have someone like you so involved in the royal circle. You are relieved from your duties as of now." She flips her ash blonde hair over her shoulder and stalks away, with Jayne and Marissa shooting me glares as they follow.

Everyone has left now but Zach, Kyro, my uncle and I. We stand in awkward silence until Uncle suggests that I might want to take a bath and enjoy a hot meal after my journey. Grateful, I rush inside and find Madi waiting for me with a friendly smile and a glass of hot milk. She jabbers as we make our way to my room, informing me that everything has been very quiet with the King and I around. She tries to get details of my trip out of me, but I tell her as little as possible. She'll know very soon anyway.

I'm pleased to find that a bath is already waiting for me. Madi helps me out of my dress and leaves me at my insistence to wash myself. As I sink into the tub, I recount the events of the past week and remember the sparks that would fly when Joffrey touched me, the meaningful conversations that we would share and my retelling of the dream I had in which we were holding our three beautiful babies.

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