We'd been on the couch for about and hour, while Jacob played on the floor with his new nerf gun, which is in fact, bigger than him.

Safaa and I have been picking at a bowl of popcorn while watching a film. We weren't even watching it. Safaa's so comfortable around me that it makes me feel comfortable, and that certainly doesn't happen very often.

"I don't have a crush on him, I swear! But I kinda fancy him... I don't know," she sighs trying to explain and I giggle lying back on the couch.

There's a knock on the door and Jacob shoots up to open it.

"Okay... so," I laugh a bit and keep talking. "If you found out he was interested, would you give it a go?" I ask her with a grin.

"No, she fucking wouldn't," a stern deep voice says behind me.

Zayn walks in front of me and I sigh.

"Can we have a word, Miss Anderson?" He asks, more like an order.

I stand up and stump into the kitchen. I can't believe he can be so disrespectful, he won't even say hello, he just interrupts a conversation because he thinks he owns the place.

Although he maybe does, he is technically paying for everything in my life right now. But it still doesn't give him the right to order his sister and me around like puppets.

I sit myself on the surface in the kitchen and immediately regret it. I've been sitting on cushioned stuff so I couldn't feel how sore I really am.

He walks in and sees me flinch. I try to cover the pain by coughing and he leans on the kitchen table, in front of me.

"You're meant to keep an eye on my sister, not to put stupid inappropriate ideas in her head," he states with an angry look.

"Inappropriate?! Your sister can like and get to know whoever the fuck she wants, you know? And it's not my problem if you trusted me enough to stay with her," I shout back to him waving my arms in front of him, "don't expect me to treat her like you do," I finish, scoffing.

He tilts his head back and tightens his jaw looking back at me again. He walks up to me and stands inbetween my legs, he leans his head against mine, placing his mouth next to my ear.

"Don't ever raise your voice at me like that, you seem much sweeter when you're sleeping baby girl," he whispers in my ear.

I hold my breath loosing all the confidence I'd gained from nowhere and bite my lip.

When I'm sleeping?

"You wouldn't know..."

"What's that, babe?" He asks running his index finger across my jaw.

God, he's intimidating, I actually feel scared but I'm also melting inside.

"You didn't stay last night..." I whisper feeling weak suddenly.

"Why would I want to do that?" He scoffs and stands straight again.


He basically has no respect and no consideration for how people feel. I can't believe this.

I get down from the surface and try to step out, but he grabs my arm and pulls me against his chest holding me from the small of my back.

"Fuck off," I say pushing myself away from his chest.

But it's useless because he's obviously stronger and he's not taking it.

He holds my wrists and sticks them behind my back, he leans my head up and bites my neck slightly.

"If you keep talking to me like that Olivia, I'm going to fuck your pretty little mouth just how I did last night," he says in a low whispered voice.

No you fücking won't.

I relax my body and look down. He lets go of me and I walk out the kitchen and into the living room.

I find Jacob shooting bullets to Safaa's feet.

"Jacob, say goodbye to Safaa," I tell him while I cross my arms.

After their goodbyes I walked Safaa to the door, where her brother was waiting.

"Thank you so much for having me," she suddenly blurts out and hugs me.

I giggle and give her a quick hug. They slowly walk out the door towards the lift.

"You know you can come here whenever you like, yeah? Look after yourself," I say while she waves walking in the lift.

"I'll se you tomorrow at 9 am in the mansion, Miss Anderson," Zayn informs me.

I roll my eyes and slam the door ignoring him.

I hate him, I'd never let anyone treat me like he just did and for some reason I didn't do anything about it. He changes me when he's around and I hate that.

He makes me feel weaker than I am.

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