Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Drip, splat. Drip, splat.

i felt cold water running down my cheek, waking me.

I sat up slowly, remembering the day before. Everything was quiet except for the rain drops on the roof. I looked around only to find the girl sleeping in the corner farthest away from me. Clutched in her arms was her teddy bear. Unlike me, she did not have any blankets to cover her from the chill and as she shivered, I knew it had already gotten to her. I stood up and picked up my blanket. As I drew closer to her, I saw that her face wasn't as dangerous looking as it had yesterday. Her sleeping face was so peaceful, and gentle and harmless. I would never have guessed that she was the same girl that always had a knife in her pocket. I covered her with the blanket and heard her sigh in her sleep. Just then i noticed the knife on her other side. I picked it up and put it on the table, then walked back to her.

I wonder how long shes been here, I thought. It had to be a while since everything looked so bad and rundown here, including the fact that she was covered in dirt. Her hair seemed to be the only bright color thing in here other than the earthy brown. Then another thought popped  into my head. She hasn't said a word in the time i'd been here....odd...

Then I realized that I had been watching this random girl sleep for the past 10 minutes... CREEPER!!

I quickly on my heel and walked briskly towards the fire. It had gone down to embers, so I added some more wood on top of the glowing remains. I pulled out my ipod, planning to listen to some music, seeing that she was still asleep and to get my mind off things, when I heard crying. At first it was soft and quiet, then turned into loud sobs. I looked over to see her sitting up, clutching her teddy bear and her hands covering her face. 

I stood and made my way, slowly, to her, trying not to frighten her. She didn't seem to notice or care that I was coming towards her, she just sat there, tears dripping off her face. I carefully sat down beside her and wrapped my around her, not sure what else to do. She turned her face to press it against my chest and shank herself into my side, holding on to her bear with one hand and my shirt in the other. I pulled her onto my lap, trying to make her more comfortable and this seemed to make cry even harder.

" shhhhh..." i repeated, not knowing what else to say," Its okay,shhhh."

I freed one of my hand and whipped away the tears running down her cheeks but they were just replaced by new ones. I never know what to when girls cry. I tried to help my mom when she was tearing up from when my dad left us lat year. That was the first and, hopefully the last time i would to see her like that.

But this time, it was different. Different because i had no idea what cause this which made it so much more confusing. And because it just seemed wrong... compared to the fierce girl that was here yesterday, she was so vulnerable now, like she couldn't handle anything anymore. 

I had a strange feeling then, something i havn't felt before. I was feeling protective of her, I realized with a start. I looked down at her and said to myself that i was good with that.

I started humming to her the tune I hadn't realized was playing over and over in my head. It seemed to settle and reassure her a bit, like a comfort.

I don't know how long we sat there like this but after a while she started to calm down. I was still humming and surprising me by whispering words that were in harmony with the tune. It was a lullaby.

"Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly, lavender's green. When you are king, dilly, dilly, I shall be queen"

"Who told you so? Dilly, dilly, who told you so? Twas my own heart, dilly,dilly, that told me so. Call up your friends,dilly, dilly, set them to work, some to the plough, dilly, dilly, some to the fork."

"Some to the hay, dilly, dilly, Some to thresh corn. Whilst you and I, dilly, dilly, keep ourselves warm. lavender's blue, dilly,dilly, lavender' green. When you are king, dilly,dilly, I shall be queen.

"Who told you so? Dilly, dilly, who told you so? Twas my own heart, dilly, dilly, That told me so..."

We both finished on the last note, finished in harmony.

For the first time since i'd been here she seemed calm. The girl sighed and looked up at me. I gasped a little at the brightness and curiosity of her green eyes as they met mine for the first time without suspicion or warning. Just whole complete curiosity. 


So sorry it took me so long to get this to you guys, but i kinda had a bit of a readers block.

Anyway, thanks for the support, it really means alot!

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