Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

" Its okay, we're just going to my place." Wow, i sound so much like a creeper, feel like one too.

I lead Kira by the hand, out of her 'home' and pulled her down the path. With her free hand she was still clutching her Teddy Bear, it's as if she knows she will not be coming back for a while. which was in any case true but i haven't said as much.

In my head i'm wondering how she'll react to seeing other people and cars and actual houses....Wait. i hope she won't attack anyone because if she does she might get arrested.......well crap, isn't this going to be fun! 

We've been walking in silence--it's not like she's going to talk anyway-- for a while now, and finally i could hear the cars going by on the road.

Once we reached the edge of the road, i stopped and looked both ways like the good boy i was. i lokked back at her and saw her eyes widden with fear.

" Hey, hey, hey, it's alright," Suddenly, a thought came to my head. " is this your first time seeing the road?"

of course, she didnt say anything. all she did was come closer and clutch my hand even harder. if this keeps going, she's going to cut off the surculation!

All of a sudden, a car rounded the corner, too fast for my liking, and honked at us.

I was almost knocked to the ground as Kira jumped onto my back.

" What the?!" i cried. She wrapped her arms and legs around me to keep from falling. i don't think she's intending to get down anytime soon.

" It's Okay! it wont hurt you! you'll be fine." i said trying to calm her shaking. " Come on, let's go before another car comes." dispite the extra weight, i started walking again. Kira kept looking around to see if anyone was coming.

Finally, about five minutes later, i saw my house....and my mom. My mother was pacing along the front porch, wearing a seriously confused expression.

" Hey, Kira, that over there is my mom, so i would really like if you didn't attack her." i said softly and watched as she snapped to attention when i said the word 'mom'.

" Tristan? who's this?" my mom asked as we approched.

" Mom, this is Kira. Kira, this is mom."

" Mrs. Blackstone." she corrected, extending a hand towards Kira.

" uh, mom, please dont do that." she gave me a questioning look. " i'll explain everything later, but for now, did you get the bath ready?"

" Yes, but now i can see why." mom said giving the girl on my back a once-over.

" Alright, , now, Kira? We’re going to go into the house now.” I said prying her limbs from around me. She nimbly slid to the ground on her own two feet, still gripping my hand.

“ Okay honey, you’ll have to come with me, upstairs for a bath.” My mom said taking Kira’s hand from mine once we got inside. Kira was lead upm the stair case, all the while looking back at me for reassurance. I smiled and shooed her.

Once they were out of site, I looked down at my hand. It felt, strangely, empty without Kira’s hand there with it. Weird.

Shaking the feeling off, I walked to the kitchen and attacked the fridge.  Oh, Jackpot! Left over Pasta!

Pulling out a frying pan, I placed it onto the stove and heated my food. I sat there, watching it cook, when I was suddenly startled by a high pitched screaming.

“ What the…” I murmured looking in the general direction of the stairs.







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