For The Day I Take Your Hand

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You and your friend (friend's name) along with many others guared the stage for the band, doing your job, making sure that no drunkards approached close to you, tried getting up on stage, and other stupid things drunkards try doing. "Holding down pretty good, I'd say, huh (y/n)?", your friend asking over the blazing loud yet beautiful music. "We're doing great!", you shouted. Your friend nodded in reply.

Few moments later

The half drunkard and half sober crowd cheered gratefully after the performance of Killer Queen. "Alright lovies, this next song is dedicated to a very special friend of ours...", Freddie announced. You alread knew it was you, you know that special friend is you. Your cheeks began to swell up with blush. "This person has been such a lovely friend to all of us, especially our guitarist, Brian.", Fred says. You wished him to shut up as your friend, (friend's name) nudged your shoulder. "Lucky you!", she whispered. "Oh shush up!", you whispered back, hearing murmurs throughout the cheering crowd. "This next little number's called '39!", Fred announced and the beautiful strumming from the acoustic guitar began to play. "That's your song, (y/n)!", your friend said. You hid your now tomato red face, slumping down on the alcohol aromatic floor and feeling your heart throbbing. You started to breathe heavily, you felt sweat trickle down your spine and your face.

"You okay, (y/n)?", your friend asked bending down to you. You nodded fiercely and she helped you back up. "Turn around and face them! We might be guards right now, but even guards can have a little fun!", (friend's name) says, she forced you to turn around and face the band

In the year of '39 assembled here the volunteers
In the days where lands were few....

'Oh god, they're singing that song I requested. I can't even think straight right now', you thought slightly light headed. "You okay?", (friend's name) asked tapping on your shoulder. You turned to her very flustered. "Oh my god, you're very not okay!", she gasped, "We need some medical help."

"N-no, I'm okay, I just....", you breathed slightly wobbling, "I feel okay...I might need to just...." You suddenly heard the chorus

Don't you hear my call, though your many years away?
Don't you hear me calling you?
Write your letters in the sand for the day I take your hand
In the land that our grandchildren knew

Then it happened, you fell. Blackness surrounds you, yet you still hear the music, then silence....
Are you still breathing? Do you feel dead? All goes on in the mind when suddenly...

"(Y/n), (y/n)!", you hear from a distance in your mind. "Is she okay?", another voice asks. "I hope so, we really need medical attention!", a voice cried. You heard these strange voices coming from inside your dizzy mind. "(Y/n)! Wake up!", a voice screamed, you suddenly awakened, surrounded by your friend, (friend's name) and all the members of Queen.

"Wh-what happened to me?", you asked drowsily. "Seems like you fainted, darling. Are you alright?", Freddie responded. "Y-yeah, I-I'm okay now....I guess.", you answered unsure. "Here, allow me to help you up.", Brian suggests and he held out his hand out for you. That when you felt it. The love for him was still alive.

You gazed upon him, staring into those twinkling hazel eyes of his. You blushed lightly as you took hold of his hand, clenching it gently as he helped you get up. "Thank you.", was the only you could say. "You're welcome, (Y/n).", Brian replied smiling brightly at you. "Should we start over?", Freddie asked. "That's only if she wants us to.",  Bri said and peered back at you. "Y-yes, please, start over. I didn't mean to faint. I-I promise you guys, I-I won't do it again.", you stammered. "That's okay, (y/n) as long as you're alright.", Freddie chuckled shyly, "We'll start over right away!"

Moments later

"What the fuck was that all about, (y/n)?!? Fainting in the middle of a godly performance, how dare you!!!", your friend yelled exiting the school. "I don't know, it's just....", you started. "It's just what?!?! You're in love with Brian again?! I thought you told me you weren't gonna fuck with him anymore. He clearly has a boyfriend, who's obviously the drummer!", your friend said. "Well maybe I am!", you argued. "You honestly just need to leave him alone, and let him live his life happily....", your friend sighed. "You're right. Besides, we start working at the bakery tomorrow morning at 10, so we should head home.", you replied. "I know, I'll be up by 8.", (friend's name) said opening her car door. "That's good. Do you remember the address I gave you?", you respond. "Yes. I still have that little piece of paper, it's taped on my dresser.", she replied. "Good.", you said.

Your friend drove you without conversation, yet safely home. You waved goodnight to her and she drove off. "Hey, dear, ready for tomorrow?", your mum greeted. "Yeah I guess so.", you replied unenthusiastically. "Crazy night eh? Go get some rest, my graduate!", she proudly replied. "Yes ma'am.", you respond and headed upstairs to your room. You flopped on the bed and sighed in such relief.

'Maybe (friend's name) was indeed right about leaving Brian alone. I should anyway, I mean it's clear now, he's in a relationship with Roger. They're happy...well are they really? Probably not. Even if it was a one night stand, Brian should've been with me instead!', you thought.

Maybe you're hallucinating. Maybe you're dreaming. Maybe you really are obsessed with Brian May.

Obsessed With A RockStar (Brian May x Reader) [On Hiatus For Now]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat