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"Stop that"

"I'm not doing anything" he mumbled but kept running his fingertips on my back.

"It's tickling" I said back trying to make him stop but he just chuckled and shook his head no.

"What time are your parents back?" he asked; changing the subject so I would stop whining.

"You know what time they come home" I said back lightly and turned to my side so I could freely look at him.

He pulled his phone out of his jeans ,which were lying on the floor from before, and checked the time.

"I should get going then" he mumbled and sat up straight. Putting on his clothes he stared at me. I hadn't moved my place on the bed for the past hour.

"See you at school" he said and abruptly kissed me. Not that I'm complaining.

"What was that for?" I asked surprised and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Just...experimenting" he said before he left. You have to get up, Emma. Clean the room, take a shower.

Obeying myself I went for a quick shower and cleaned my room. I also opened the window to get some fresh air inside. I felt like I was breathing the same used air again and again.

And just like that I heard my mum and dad come in. I went downstairs and saw that mum had my favourite cupcake from her bakery in hand as dad had already started cooking dinner.

"How was school honey?" mum asked. I had started helping dad however I could. Bringing him ingredients and mostly staying out of his way. He was the cook in the house. The only thing missing was an apron saying "Kiss the cook" and he would be ready for professionally cooking.


"Just fine? How was class?"

"Yes just fine. Class was good" I didn't talk much. In case you didn't notice.

The night moved slowly. So slowly I was even bored to serf the internet. Imagine that.

As mum and I were watching a new episode of Once upon a time (Yes we both like Disney) my phone buzzed.

Deciding that Elsa and Emma (the irony I know!!) were far more important than some text I got I kept my attention on the screen. Dad came soon with three plates with something I didn't care enough to know but smelled delicious.

We filled him in on what happened and then stayed quiet.

Sadly though after a while the show ended and I washed the dishes (because I am that daughter) I went upstairs to my room and opened the message.

You suck

Great Luke was probably drunk again.

What did I do this time?

This was an ordinary thing. Like at least once in two weeks this would happen. And then the text. Luke didn't respond though.

Not tonight or tomorrow or the day after.

He didn't came to school either.

I didn't know if I should be worried or not. He hasn't done that before. Me being the stupid me (of course) went to his house after three days of no show at school or not a sign of life whatsoever. I made sure nobody knew were I had went and walked up to the small front steps at the Hemmings' house before knocking on the door.

His mum came and opened the door and I froze; realising how stupid I was for even thinking about coming here.

"Oh Emma. I didn't know you and Luke still hang out together" she said surprised. I quickly composed myself and smiled.

"Homework" I said and patted my backpack. Liz let out and laugh and let me in. Reminding me where Luke's room was. Like I didn't know.

Walking straight into his room all I saw was his back. He had his face straight on his pillow and the covers from his bed tossed on the floor. How can he even breathe right now?

He lifted his head and when he saw me he simply let his head fall on the pillow again.

"You didn't reply" I easily said and left some homework on his desk. We did share some classes. He simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you having a midlife crisis already?" I asked and he chuckled.

"You suck" he said again and this time I chuckled.

"Are you even sick?"

"Just a great actor" he mumbled and I nodded.

"Well I'm leaving. You're ok so..." I trailed off and went straight towards the door.

"Can I come over tonight?" he asked before I had opened the door.

"I'll leave the window open"


Okay. I know I didn't explain anything about their relationship.

I know you haven't seen Emma in her fear zone.


Bye x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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