Part 1

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This takes place before the Dark Masters but they still have Kari. Also don't expect anything awesome I'm shit at this so sorry in advance.

*Tais pov*
"Hey Agumon y'sure you sore another human here when you were taking a leak?" I asked the yellow/orange dinosaur, I call partner.
"Yes Tai I'm sure of it, look over there underneath that tree" Agumon pointed his white index claw towards a giant tree.

It had a giant red and white Digimon led next to it with its tail around the tree and a boy?

It had a giant red and white Digimon led next to it with its tail around the tree and a boy?

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"Wow there's really another Human here?" Mimi asked. "He looks around our age,right Kari?" T.K. Said while looking at the new boy.

"Yea he does"
"Hey Tai, isn't that Y/N? Y'know jonouchi's younger brother?" Matt Asled me.
"Yea it is"

We all ran over to him. To see him holding a purple blob. "Aww he's so cute, especially while sleeping" Sora said getting closer to him and reaching her arm out, only to be hit away by the tail of that Beast.

That caused Y/N to wake up and cower into the tail of that Red Dragon-Beast.
"OI!" We turned around to be met by an angry jonouchi with his red spiked hair flowing, Sharp green eyes glowing and his black cloak flowing too

 "OI!" We turned around to be met by an angry jonouchi with his red spiked hair flowing, Sharp green eyes glowing and his black cloak flowing too

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(Like this but Black)

"The hell do ya think your doing Scaring Y/N Like That!" jonouchi shouted.

"I'm sorry we didn't mean to" Izzy said. jonouchi started charging past all of us and walked over to Y/N.
"You ok?" jonouchi asked Y/N
"Yea" Y/N replied while getting up "but wheres Kunemon?" "He'll be here soon" "ok"

"Hey it's getting Dark you should stay here for now." jonouchi said to me. Well be in our tent if you need ya c'mon Y/N"

Sorry it's short and shit but I wanted to put something out, It'll continue next chapter. Until next time Deuces.

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