• Chapter 2 •

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"What do you mean?" If he was his boyfriend, why fight just because of a little touching?

"That this guy here is my boyfriend" The guy came over to me, it seems that he's not wearing clothes underneath, only a large coat on top.

"What are you looking at?"

"No-Nothing" His skin looks milky smooth and his legs are really long, just not as tall as me.

"Good job Tawan! That looked amazing! You saved one of my best employees, you're hired " Said the boss behind me, looks like i have the job already.

"Can you please stop holding me? and what do you mean Mr.Martini?" Said the guy still in my hands.

Now i realize that i'm still holding him...

"S-Sorry!" This is really embarrassing.

"New, this is our new bodyguard Tawan. Tawan this is our main dancer, New" So he works here?

"Are you a... Nudist dancer?" It seems that he's really not wearing any clothes.

"No, i'm a professional performer, just that this was my outfit for today" Hmmm, we'll see later.

"Okay..." I turned around to thank Earth for finding me this job.

"No problem man, see you around!" And then the guy just left, only the boss and New are here now.

New walks over to the guy on the floor and gives him a light kick.

"This is my boyfriend Ohm, he's also a dancer here, today he just went a little overboard with his drinking"

"Heeeelllooooooo~~ I'm Oooohmmm"
The guy looked at me with a drunken smile while holding on to New's shoulders after getting up.

"Well hello, and sorry for hitting you"
Right after giving my apology, the guy fell asleep.

"See you around Tawan, i'll be going home now" He smiled at me again and left dragging a drunk Ohm.

"See you" It seems that working here will be interesting.

"Tawan, you can start working tomorrow. Your shift will start at 6PM and end at 4AM, sometimes there will be overtime or reporting in the morning, we will pay you double when that occours" Mr. Martini began telling me while also writing his number in a blank piece of paper.

"Here is my number, if you want more information or a problem occours, just call me"

"Thanks Mr. Martini, i will report to work early tomorrow" I have nothing to do anyways.

"I have a question, how do you know how to fight?"

"Since young i always dreamed of being a proffesional boxer, my father payed for my lessons and everything was going excelent. I won many championships and also the title of the best under 18 boxer, just that i fractured my shoulder in an accident and wasn't able to fight anymore" One detail left out is that i fought in illegal street battles when my parents passed away, i needed the money and the only thing i knew how to do was boxing.

The only thing i hope for is not getting in trouble in the future because of those troubles from the past.

I went home that night, after taking a shower and having some ramen for dinner, i changed into a pair of black boxers and went to sleep.

I had a dream of gangs fighting, it was in a closed space and there was no one around me apart from a man that looked a little shorter than me. It didn't turn out good for me and the man that was running with me.

We both died.

Author Note  (I'M BACK!)

Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating this past week, school is starting again (~ '-')~

That took a dark turn at the end there (> O-O)>

I hope everyone has a great day/night!

ChannieStan <333

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