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I sat down in a bleacher at the gym. We where having announcements given by the principal, to kick this awesome year off, YAAAY!

Freaking fraud. That's what this is.

I guess I had convinced myself that Ricky wouldn't be here anymore, but who was I kidding? He definitely was here, I knew that voice, I had made fun of him lots of times when he was going through puberty and the whole voice changing situation had appeared.

I knew that hair, I had lost my fingers in it a bunch of times. Although it used to be shorter and darker.

Okay I shouldn't even care. HE stopped calling ME, and he wasn't the one thinking about me and regretting all of his decisions, for some damn reason I was the one regretting.

I regretted listening to my father, for the first time in my life.

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"Okay so, here's the thing my dad has this idea that technology is ruining us, and he is not insanely wrong. I mean every teen around the world is being consumed by technology. So in my house (when I used to live here and back in California) yeah we had phones, we are not nomads, but we don't use them THaT much.
In my house, my dad encouraged us to do other things to spend our time, play games, fix stuff in the house, bake and cook, dance, sing. In my house it was more normal to get all together and bake a cake or dance to a new song, than watching a movie or texting each other. At least it used to be, now my dad seemed a lot more down, sadder"

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And now I regretted listening to him when he told me not to have social media, that if someone wanted to get in touch with me they would call me. But what if they stopped calling me one day?

Just like he did.

The voice of who I assume is the principal got me out of my trance.

"And I'm also pleased to announce that this year, seniors will be allowed to wear baseball hats on Friday's"

Yaaaaaaaaayyy! Kill me.

"And now for a special introduction, this year East High has a new drama teacher with an announcement that she swore, on paper, wouldn't cost too much money"

Okay drama, he has my attention now.

A middle aged women walked up to the podium, followed by a young boy, who I assumed is a student.

And then she started talking.

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𝕃𝕦 ; Ricky Bowen (Very Slow Updates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora