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Jooheon slammed his front door. He can't believe he was losing Bia so easily. After everything he did to get her. He wasn't going to let Shownu take her so easy like that. He sat on the couch staring at the blank tv. Jooheon thought of ways to get Bia back, many thoughts came to mind but the one that stuck to him was to get rid of Shownu. He thought if he got rid of Shownu then Bia would come back to him. 

Bia walked into Shownu's house. It was small yet homey. Shownu showed Bia her room. 

"I love it." She smiled. "I wish Jooheon would have gotten us a small house like this." 

Shownu gave Bia a sad small smile before leaving her in alone in the room. He went into the kitchen and cooked something up for him and Bia. 

Bia put her things up ignoring her phone as it blow up with calls and text messages probably from Jooheon. Bia got comfortable in bed and starting listening to her Monsta X soft playlist. It relaxed her from time to time. She started to tear up. She missed them being whole. Sometimes she blames herself. If she wasn't in the picture, would they still be together? 

"Bia." Shownu knocked on the door before walking in. "Dinner is done." 

"Already?" Bia looked at the time. "Oh my, it's been hours from when I last checked the time." 

"Lost in your thoughts?" Shownu said. 

"Yes." Bia sighed. "I'm also rethinking the babies names." 

"Ah really?" Shownu tapped his chin. "Have any names in mind?" 

"Not yet." Bia shook her head. 

She followed him out the room to the dining room. They sat down eating, talking, just having a chill time until a loud knock was heard at the door. 

"Please go to your room." Shownu stood. 

Bia nodded listening to him. After Shownu knew Bia was shut up in her room he went to the door. Right as he opened the door Jooheon punched him in the face. Shownu groaned in pain. Jooheon managed to get passed him. He searched the house for Bia finding her sitting in the room that Shownu said she could us. Her eyes widened. 

"You're coming with me." He walked over to her. 

Shownu rushed into the room grabbing Jooheon by the arm pulling him out of the room. 

"Lock the door." Shownu shouted. 

Bia rushed to the door locking it. She pressed her hand on her stomach. 

"You two don't need to hear this." Bia sighed going into the bathroom. 

Even though she was in the bathroom she was still alert. Every now and than she would go to the door and listen to them argue. The last time she went she heard what sounded like a lamp being thrown. Bia started to get worried. She knew Jooheon would kill for her. She just prayed that he won't do anything stupid. 

"Calm down! Calm down!" She heard Shownu shout. 

Bia rushed out the room to find Jooheon holding a knife, pointing it at Shownu. 

"Bia go back to your room." Shownu said without taking his eyes off of Jooheon. 

"You're only making it worse on yourself." Bia cried. "I wanted a happy life with you but you've changed." 

"I wasn't the one who changed, you were." Jooheon's voice was shaky. 

"Have I?" Bia sniffed. "You wanted all those nice things. I didn't ask for it." 

"I wanted to make you happy." Jooheon said. 

"I was already happy." Bia let more tears fall. "The person I loved the most took that from me." 

Jooheon's eyes widen at what Bia said. He started laughing, his laughing turned into crying. 

"I fucked everything up and I don't know how to fix it." He cried. "I don't want to lose you Bia." 

He fell to his knees. "Please come back to me." 

Bia stood looking down at him. 

"I thought it about." Bia pressed her lips together. 

She walked over to him with tears rolling down her face. 

"I thought that you would fix things, but instead you attacked the person who was caring for me and your babies. Giving us a place to stay. A safe place." Bia sighed. "When I saw you holding that knife to Shownu. I knew you weren't the man I fell in love with 7 months ago." 

Bia looked down at her ring as she took it off. 

"Once you get your act together, maybe just maybe we can try and fix us but for now it's goodbye." Bia went to walk away but Jooheon grabbed her by the waist crying into her back. 

"Please don't do this." He begged her. "I'll change. I promise." 

Bia removed his hands from her. She walked to her room without looking back. It was the hardest thing for her to do. 

"Sorry little ones, but momma is going to cry herself to sleep tonight." Bia sniffed as she crawled into bed. 

A Journey - A Jooheon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now