Chapter 3

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TW: fear, mention of abuse, sucky writing

I had been at the Weasley for almost a week, and now Dumbledore was here to answer Mr. Weasley's letter personally.

Probably because I was supposed to be dead.

I was thankful for the Weasleys and how kind they are, it's weird, my family is never this warm or close.

Ginny and I started talking and I taught her some things about being a girl, cause she was surrounded by boys and she taught me that I don't have to be perfect all the time, like my parents expected. She asked, but I never told her why I wanted to fake my own death.

The twins taught me how to let go and actually laugh, I realized how uptight my family was.

I had expected them to push me away, purely because I'm a Malfoy. I had accidentally called them "blood traitors" once but they were actually very nice about it once I let them know I was raised to think that's okay when it's not.

I never had a problem with thinking 'mud-blood' was okay, once Father whipped me with his belt when I wouldn't say it. He also did that every time I went down to play with the muggles in the village below.

"Ms. Malfoy," Dumbledore greeted me

I winced, I hate being called that, "It's Ella, please,"

"Very well Ella," His eyes twinkled behind half moon spectacles, "May we speak in private please,"

I nod and we go into the living room, leaving the others in the kitchen, I felt George's eyes on me as we left. Fun fact, I could kinda tell the twins apart :)

"Ms. Ella," Dumbledore started as we sat down, "tell me the whole story from the beginning,"

I sighed, "Well father told me that if I wasn't in Slytherin then he would... umm," I looked down not wanting to say 'kill me' like father had threatened, "he would disown me in a way," I avoided looking into Dumbledore's eyes.

I paused to see if he had bought my lie, Dumbledore said nothing.

I continued, "Well I knew I wouldn't be a Slytherin, I could just tell, so I decided to beat him too it and disappear,"

I felt Dumbledore's eyes piercing into my soul as I looked up at him.

He nodded gently, with a slight smile, "You know that probably wasn't the best idea, you should have come to Hogwarts."

I nodded sheepishly, once winter had started I realized how stupid I was but it was too late to turn back..

"You will be coming to Hogwarts when break is over, I will not tell your father yet, but it must happen before your younger brother comes to Hogwarts," Dumbledore decided, "Do you have your supplies?"

Hogwarts had sent me my letter back in August and mother had bought my stuff before I faked my own death.

I had packed it with me so I nodded.

"Well then that's that, when you get to Hogwarts, we will get you sorted and a tour of the school. You will have to talk to your teachers about the school work from first term," Dumbledore got up, "Think about telling your family you are alive," he said gently.

"They care about you more than you think," he smiled then shook my hand and left.

I sat on the couch staring aimlessly at the fireplace, deep in thought.

"So?" A voice asked from behind me

I jumped, I forgot I wasn't alone in the house, I usually never bumped into anyone at home.

Although Draco used to jump out at me to scare me, he thought it was 'hilarious.' I DID NOT!!! He joked that I would be in Hufflepuff, which is actually likely since I was the nicest person in our family, although that isn't that hard. The others haven't exactly set the bar very high.

"I'm going to Hogwarts," I said staring blankly into the fire

"Is that a good thing?" Fred asked nervously

"I'm not sure," I say quietly 


I lowkey feel like this is crappy but I promise it will get better. 

Please vote and comment, I'm gonna post every four days or something like that. 

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