Once upon a time...

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"Once upon a time there was a small village on the outskirts of a kingdom. This small village had small minds. There was a little baby boy born in this village, with hair as white as snow and blue eyes as cold as ice. Everybody knew that this little boy was special. As a child, he showed gifts with magic; summoning snow flakes and icing over ponds at will. But as he grew older, his magic grew stronger. The people of the village became afraid of the little ice prince and shunned him. The boy became lonely. Small children would run away from him and adults would whisper about him whenever he passed. Then the boy became angry. He had never hurt anybody in the village with his magic, their fears where unjustified. Then one day the villagers mobbed together and told the boy to take his magic and leave. The boy packed his stuff and travelled to the kingdom, but again people turned him away. He went back to his village to plead with them to let him stay, but they did not. The boy saw that they did not care for him, even though he was one of their own. If they only saw him as a monster, a monster he would become. And so, the boy used his magic to curse the entire kingdom; his spell echoed throughout the land:

"I curse this land with ice  and snow,

A curse of misery, a curse of woe.

You have welcomed in hate and fear

To take away what I most hold dear.

In order for this magic to fall apart,

You must find that which can thaw, a frozen heart."

Nobody has been able to break the curse. True to his word, we have been stuck in an eternal winter."

"I feel bad for the boy, mama."

"And why is that, my little bear cub?"

"Because he was so lonely, he just wanted somebody to love him."

"Well, it is time for bed, little cub. Don't worry about it now and go to sleep."

"Okay mama. Goodnight."

"Goodnight my little bear cub."

She tucked little Alex into bed, tucking him right in. She hoped her little bear would stay as kind as he was now. To say that the ice prince was lonely. Perhaps, he was right. She remembered how the village had shunned that little boy with his white hair and pretty blue eyes. The other villagers told of an evil magic prince who had simply cursed them for fun. But she knew the truth. It was wrong of them to cast out that scared little boy and she wanted to raise her own boy so he would not do the same.

She could only hope to do it in what little time she had left.


Well, hello there. This is my first project "The Snow Prince" and I am very excited. The first like two chapters are a little meh because Alex is shy and reserved. He didn't have much to tell me about the beginning of his story but then he gets to the good bit and was much more talkative. Bless him. I think he has stolen away my heart. But welcome, welcome. I hope you enjoy.


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