Chapter 15- WILL

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Yes, I know I know. T.S. Stark! You haven't been updating! What's wrong with you? Well, here you go, my awesome Gladers, finally an update for RUN. Also, now is a good time to announce my next MAZE RUNNER FAN FICTION. 

Coming soon, will be OVER AGAIN, the story of Group C. This takes place somewhere between The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure. To describe it as best as I can, it is about WICKED's secret Group C who were sent into the Scorch after Groups A and B. Stay tuned after this Chapter for a character profile.

Photo: The would-be cover of OVER AGAIN


Chapter 15- WILL

Will was in the map room when it started. The chaos began when the doors stopped working. It wasn't that they weren't closing or opening. They were. They were just doing it too much. They would open for 20 minutes then close for an hour before opening again. But when the East door closed, the West door opened. The doors were unpredictable. 

Minho went out in the morning through the East door and came back doubled over, out of breath, bleeding. He was the first of the runners to come back since the doors started going haywire. 

"What's going on out there?" Will said after meeting him at the door. They were heading back to the map room. 

"It's klunked up. The maze is a mess. The patterns aren't patterns anymore. Things move and change while you're in there all the time now and somehow its darker the deepr you go. The grievers are all over the place. It's weird though. One second the shuck things are there, the next they aren't. Like they just magically disappear." Minho said, still catching his breath. 

"So... no sign of Thomas I guess." Will said, trying not to sound disappointed. 

"Are you kidding? No way. It's a wonder I didn't get lost myself. No one's going back in the maze til I talk this over with Newt. It's just too shuck crazy in there." Minho said, shaking his head as they approached the map room. The map room that was now rendered useless.

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Will and the other runners were called for the meeting that evening but only Minho and Will showed up. The other runners quit when they came back that afternoon, claiming anyone who went back in the maze was out of their mind. 

"So we have a total of two runners left and the maze is having a bloody mood swing." Newt said once everyone was once again gathered around the table at the homestead. Everyone meaning Newt, Minho, and Wil along with Frypan and Winston. 

"We're all dead. What's even the point? They were never gonna find another way out anyway." Winston said, optimistic as ever. 

"Way I see it, we have two options. We can either just sit around here and go about our business for who knows how long. Or we can keep searching the maze. Maybe if we let Will go out..." Frypan said, leaning back in his chair.

"What? That's your big plan? Send junior out to save us all? He's not Thomas and Thomas isn't coming back. Minho barely got back and the other runners quit. Well let's just send the greenie out instead, or even better, how about Newt or maybe I should go?" Winston said sarcastically. 

Newt looked like he was about to say something about Winston's rude comment but he held his tongue. "Which is exactly why... I think we should send him out. The other runners quit. That means the Greenie here's been promoted to second place. If we're never going to find another way out like you say Winston, then it doesn't bloody matter who leaves, now does it?" He said as he got up. "Will's running tomorrow." With that, Newt left the homestead. 

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The next morning, Minho got Will up early. "We can't afford to stay together. We can cover more ground if we split up. I'll take the South door. You take the East. Remember, you have to think in increments of 80 minutes. Good luck." With that, Minho sprinted off as the South and East doors opened. Will hesitated outside the East doors. He was about to go out into the Maze alone for the first time and he might not come back. It's up to me to get us out of here

Will sprinted full tilt into the Maze. He didn't look back. 


As I promised, here is a subject profile we managed to pull from the files of WICKED. It is top secret so it is imperative that you share this information with no one. Some pieces have been censored out, as they are strictly classified. 

NAME (Last, First): Martinez, Ryan "Dan"
AGE: 17
BACKGROUND: Located by WICKED during Qualifications Phase 2 (during which Group A and Group B were beginning their training). Pulled from a children's refuge center after his parents were taken by the Flare. Did not participate in the Maze Trials. Otherwise: CLASSIFIED.
CODE : Subject C4: THE ------
DISPOSITION (Personality): Grim. He has a solid grip on reality, unlike some of the others. This is a blessing and a curse as it may plague him in the end. ------------------------------. The entire group will be hanging by a very thin thread but subject C4 in particular will be, as his putting everyone else before himself leaves him as the defining link between ---------------------. Despite our efforts to round out his disposition, subject C4 continues to demonstrate these traits as well as those identified with ----. Subject C4 sees more than he should. This may cause problems during the Scorch Trials, as it is an unpredictable variable.
NOTES: ------

RUN: A MAZE RUNNER FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now