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(That's right guys, lucky 13... or else not so lucky???)


Will instinctively pulled out his knife, although it was a pretty lame defense against two Grievers in a double dead end corridor. He began planning his death in the back of his mind. The more sane part him, though, was going over quite the opposite. 

It's important to know your enemy. What did Will know about Grievers? Almost nothing. Just that they were smart, tricky, and dangerous. But they also sort of expected to kill you. They charged with little hesitation and didn't seem to plan on your not dieing. An idea began forming. 

Will stood with one Griever to his right and the other to his left so his back was to one wall and he was facing the other. The Grievers begin closing on him but he didn't make any move to escape yet. Not yet. They were moving quickly down the corridor. Just another moment and they would be on him. At the last second, Will jumped as high as he could and twisted to brace his legs between the close walls, hoping for his life that he didn't misjudge the distance between the walls. 

Will felt his feet catch grip on the walls, glad for the sneakers now more than before, but he had to struggle to keep his balance since only his finger tips could reach the walls.

Now both Grievers were below him. He hadn't really thought of what he would do if the first part of his plan worked. He would have to think fast again. Both Grievers were loaded like a fully equipped fighter jet so if he fell straight down he would be skewered in about a dozen different ways. He would need to push off the wall and angle his fall so he landed behind the Griever in front of him. 

Will shoved off the wall with his toes and had to turn slightly in midair so he didn't make a nice gracefully landing on his face. He made it but stumbled on the landing. He turned to face the Grievers and, without even thinking, slashed one from head-area to tail-area before it could turn around. It made a sort of WWHHHHhhhiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr creeeeaaakkkk sound and stopped moving after a moment, it's implements of destruction twitching spontaneously. 

The other Griever WHHHIIIIIRRRRed in what might have been anger for eliminating its buddy and started toward Will. This time he didn't have the advantage of attacking from behind. 

Before Will could even start considering ideas, he was moving off instinct again. It was totally automatic. He flipped his knife around in his hands so the sharp edge was facing down and away from him. He started sprinting and took a long leap a step away from the Griever, shoving down with his knife as he moved through the air. Time slowed down. He felt a sharp rush of pain shoot up his lower leg but he didn't quite notice it. When he landed on the other side of the Griever, about halfway down the corridor, he didn't turn to face his opponent right away. Adrenaline rushed through him.

It took a few moments for Will to notice the silence that now filled the corridor. He straightened up and first wiped the gross Griever goo off his knife on some vines on the wall then put it back in its sheath. When he turned to see what happened to the second Griever, pain shot through his leg again. A long cut ran down his calf, blood dripping down his leg from it. 

"Well... klunk." He said, using the Glader slang that he was starting to catch on to.

He finally turned to see the damage he'd done. But the Grievers weren't there anymore. Not even their motionless bodies. Gone. The other end of the corridor was open now. The whole thing had been like a... a test. Defeat the Grievers and you get to keep going. Don't defeat the Grievers, too bad. 


Will limped the rest of the way back to the Glade and by the time he got there, the sun was almost down. He hadn't seen Thomas on the way but he'd assumed that the prodege runner had gotten back to the Glade hours before. 

Newt and Minho jogged up to meet him at the gate as he came limping through. 

"Where the bloody shuck happened to you? Griever?" Newt said. "And where's Tommy?" He was glancing over Will's shoulder like he expected to see Thomas running in behind Will. Not good.

"You mean he's not already here?" Will said. If Thomas wasn't already back, he would probably be stuck in the maze all night... unless something happened to him after the wall closed him in.

"You mean he's not with you?" Minho said.

"We got, uh, split up at this weird intersection thing. I got trapped and had to fight a could Grievers to get out and I didn't see him after that. I though he was already back here." Will said, starting to get seriously concerned.

"Shuck." Newt said. By now other Gladers had started to gather around them at the gate. "Thomas is missing." 

RUN: A MAZE RUNNER FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now