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Sorry for no italicized, guys. I'm writing this on my iPod. By the way, expect a future lack of Thomas chapters. Who knows? Maybe he's not even alive...


The thing about chaos: it's temporary. For the first couple days, everyone was going nuts over Thomas's disappearance. Then the chaos began to dwindle. People started to accept the possibility of him never coming back. Maybe he wouldn't. Then the theories of his disappearance began spreading.

Thomas is dead. He was asking for it.

Thomas ran away. Ran away where, clunk head?

Thomas is lost. No he's not, he can't get lost.

WICKED kidnapped Thomas. Probably.

Thomas jumped off a cliff. He's not suicidal.

Thomas got mauled by a bear and bled out. What shuck bear?

They varied from logical to idiotic. From suicide to bears. No one really knew, though.

Will had taken Newt back to where Thomas disappeared, to the intersection, but there was nothing there. There was no blood, nothing dropped, no signs of struggle. Nothing. The doors, the openings in the walls, didn't move anymore. They were just passageways to different parts of the maze. They couldn't even find any cracks in the floor or walls where a door or hatch or something could have been hidden.

Eventually, everyone decided on one theory: WICKED took Thomas. Will decided that he believed it too, after a while. He figured that it was better than dead but not much. Who knew what they were doing to Thomas? Once they'd all accepted this idea, Newt and Minho called for a meeting- the keepers and Will, since he was the last one who saw Thomas.


"Alright, you all know why we're here so I won't waste time explaining. Thomas is gone without a trace. We need to decide what we're going to do, if anything." Newt said to start. "Suggestions anyone?"

"Leave him." Winston said. "He's gone. We can't keep freaking out over something we can't do anything about. We can spare a runner. And we got a replacement anyway. What's the point to keep looking for him?"

"He's got a point, guys" Frypan said, although he sounded a bit uncertain.

Will couldn't believe what he was hearing. As far as he was concerned, this wasn't resolved until Thomas was back in the Glade or confirmed dead.

"We can't really just leave him out there!" Will said, straightening up in his seat.

"As much as I don't like it, we can. But we should keep looking. Look for away out and Tommy at the same time. That's what I say." Minho said. "The maze is a bunch of clunk anyway."

"We all know which one of those you'll be doing. We're wasting time and energy on Thomas." Winston said, standing his ground.

"Wasting what time?" Minho said, "Its not like we've got somewhere to shuck be!"

"While you're out lookin' for one guy, you could be looking for another way out for all of us!" Winston shot back. He was on his feet now and so was Minho.

"Hey! no need to bloody kill each other over it!" Newt said, stopping them before it got out of hand. "Focus on getting out. If you find Tonmy, great. If you don't, he's probably dead. Meeting dismissed." Newt was the first one to leave.

RUN: A MAZE RUNNER FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now