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The next morning Newt called a Gathering. And here I was, sitting around a table with Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Newt. This was all that was left of the Keepers. Alby- dead, Gally- insane and dead, Zart- killed by a Griever. Things didn't exactly go so well the last time I guess. 

"What's this about? The Greenie?" Frypan said. 

"What else would it be about, shuck-face? The crops?" Newt said. 

"I don't see what the big deal is. Not like we haven't gotten a Greenie before and he's younger than Chuck was. Not like this kid's going to be some hero. So what's the point?" Winston said. 

"The point is he's the first one since we got here. And those words on his arm? It's gotta mean something." Newt said. 

"I'm with Newt, but what are we gonna do with him?" Minho said. 

"Just see what he's good at and give him a job to do like anybody else. You shanks are making this way too complicated." Winston said. 

"Fine. Anything else?" Newt said. 

"Yeah. That message on his arm. It said THE END. Doesn't that ring a bell? Teresa said she triggered something like that last time. Could this be the same thing?" Minho said. 

No one said anything. 

"What'u you think, Tommy?" Newt said, breaking the silence. 

I looked up, noticing that I hadn't said anything the whole time. "Um... I don't know. Could be. I'm no maze genius this time. I didn't make this one. It could be or it could be something else or they could just be trying to get us off guard."

"I say, I could care less. We're not getting out of here any time soon and I have things to do. So on that friendly note, let's call this meeting." Frypan said.

"Dismissed." Newt said, ending the Gathering and not looking very satisfied with it.

"Hey, Tommy?" Newt caught me outside as I was about to head out into the maze. Minho already left through the east door. 

"Yeah?" I said.

"I know you should be out there but could I ask you to take the day off to show the Greenie around? You're technically the second newest now so... I mean, I just have-" I cut him off, "Yeah. No problem. I get it. You're busy." 

"Thanks. I owe ya one." he said before limping off. 

I glanced around before finding Will standing in front of the box. 

"What are you doing?" I said, pacing up to him. 

"Doesn't go back down unless it's empty, right?" he said, not looking at me. 

"Yeah. Sorry, kid. You're stuck here with the rest of us. Newt give you the run down?" I said.

"Yeah. This place sucks."

"Anything you want to know? Questions?"

"Just one. What's it like being a Runner?" he said, turning to face me now.

Oh great. This should be good. What should I tell him? That I run from Grievers every day through a giant maze under enough pressure to make you go insane and kill yourself? Probably not the best choice of words. 

"It's... well, it's scary. It's dangerous. It can get you killed in painful, nasty ways. It's exhausting, both mentally and physically. The maze changes every night. We tried everything. Being a Runner takes serious skill. You have be smart and in peak physical condition. Running through that maze everyday... when I step in there every morning, I leave knowing that I might not come back. But I know that I have a job to do. The Runners make or break our future. If I screw up it could effect everyone. I remember when I came here I knew I wanted to be a Runner. And if that's what you're thinking, the answer is no." I said.

RUN: A MAZE RUNNER FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now