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Chapter 7:

Autumn's POV

We lay in each other's arms until we finished most of the first series. I got up and faced him.

"Let's do something." He sat up looking at me.

"Like what?" he brushed his hair out of his face which was still the hottest thing I've ever seen.

"Hmm, I don't know. How about we do some baking?"

"Sound good to me, but I'm too lazy to get up off the couch." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hands attempting to pull him up.

"Oh come on, we can't just do nothing all day!"

"Yes, we can." He said, dragging out the n in can. I finally got him off the couch but it was a bit of a struggle because he was very heavy.

"Gosh, you're a heavy big boy." He gasped looking at me in shock.

"Did you just call me fat!?" he had his hand over his mouth. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. We both just burst out in laughter.

"You know what I meant." When we had both finished our laughing fit we walked over to the kitchen. Ruel was looking through the pantry to see what we had to make.

"Ohh, what about we make chocolate chip brownies. I could really use some chocolate right now."

"Me too." I grabbed my phone and searched up a recipe. We got out all of the ingredients and started baking.

When it was time to put the flour in the mixture I accidentally spilled it.

"Good one, the dumb one," Ruel said while trying to help me clean up the mess.

"Hey! Don't be so rude." I said while throwing flour at got all through his hair. When I threw it at him he opened his mouth and faced me.

"Oh you didn't just do that!" he said while picking up a big portion of the flour and throwing it at me getting it all over me. Before you know it was having a flour fight making the biggest mess but we didn't really care because we were enjoying ourselves so much. Ruel then stopped me right as I was about the throw some at him by grabbing my hand. I got lost in his beautiful, hazel eyes. They looked like they were sparkling. He gently put his hands around my waist and my hand slid its way to the back of his head and the other resting on his shoulder. We were looking into each other's eyes very deeply. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him. His eyes flicked to my lips and back to my eyes and I did the same to his. I couldn't help it anymore and I smashed my lips onto his. The kiss was full of so much passion and love I never wanted it to end, the kiss deepened but eventually, we parted. As soon as we both pulled away I wanted his touchback. We looked at each other and smiled right when you heard the door open. We were still in each other's arms so we quickly parted when Lachie came into the kitchen looking at both of us in shock.

"Wow, you guys have made a massive mess." We all just laughed.

"How's Emma?" I said while Ruel and I were trying to dust the flour off ourselves.

"Yeah, she's fine." He said while going and sitting on the kitchen table.

"What happened to her?" Ruel asked him.

"She just thought she broke her ankle but turns out it was just a little bit bruised." Ruel and I turn towards each other before rolling our eyes.

"How'd she manage to do that?" I asked.

"Well, she told me that she was in heels and she was walking really fast to get to this makeup sale thing she 'needed' to be at." Ruel and I looked at each other and tried to hold it in, but we couldn't, we burst out laughing at how dumb she is. We were laughing so hard. "Ok! I get it that you guys don't like her but I really do so don't ruin this for me please!" Ruel and I stopped laughing and nodded our heads.

"I really need to have a shower to wash all of this off," I said.

"You do that, Lachie and I will clean up here for you here."

"What? I didn't even make the mess!" I just laugh and walk upstairs to go clean myself up.

Ruel was honestly the best. He was so kind, caring and he has the best sense of humour. Oh and not to forget he is the hottest person on earth! I know I haven't known him for very long but I've seen the way he acts around the school and everything for the past week and from what I've seen he's still everything I said he was and more. I know it's very early to say this but I think I'm falling for Ruel...

my brothers best friend ~ ruel van dijk जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें