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THE CITY WAS BUZZING with life. Species of all kinds walked along the sidewalks and drove in speeders in the sky along side sky scrapers. The sun was high in the sky, and even though thick clouds covered it, the heat of the sun was still beating down on the citizens of Coruscant as they milled about their days mundanely. Even with the sounds of vehicles zooming by in the air, families and friends conversing, and feet continuously hitting the ground and different speeds, it was a calm day. Nothing had yet happened to cause a ruckus. No criminals had been caught or chased down, no refugees were being hunted after, and nothing dramatic happened with the government – that she knows of.

Moira Astra walked casually. Her hair was messily braided, small strands framing her face and falling onto her forehead; blue eyes stayed stared ahead, and whenever she accidentally made eye contact with various humanoid species, she smiled politely, not wanting any trouble. Some smiled back, other ignored her, and a few gave her a scathing look.

After some time, she finally made it to the building she lived in, and went in with ease. She made her way to her apartment with zero hesitation, the reusable shopping bag that was gripped in her hand swinging some. The few neighbors she passed by simply greeted her out of manners and she returned them, but nothing came from this split second conversations. Finally she made it to her home, entered with zero hesitation, and let the door shut behind her.

Instantly, a pair of small feet hit the ground repeatedly. Moira barely had time to ready herself before a small figure rammed into her left leg, tiny arms squeezing her calf. The two year old pressed her cheek against the fabric of her pants and looked up at Moira, grinning, dark cheeks squishy and plump. Moira laughed and picked the little girl up.

"Hey, Frey," she mumbled the greeting, gently hugging the toddler.

A year and a half ago, Castro had been ordered by an anonymous payer to take a six month old to the highest level of Coruscant. The parents were there, apparently, and hadn't been allowed to move with their daughter. So, Castro smuggled a six month old to the home the payer told him about. Only, the parents were dead. They had a bounty out for them for stealing various and expensive supplies for some airspeeders.

Castro brought Freya back, explained everything to Moira who had been extremely hesitant on having a child in their home. There were plenty of times where neither of them were home; when both best friends had a smuggling deal, or when they had to attend their actual, legal jobs – Moira worked at a nightclub, and Castro was a repairman. Somehow, having Freya worked out. Castro did what Moira's father did: he took the little girl along with him. And sometimes, Moira brought the girl too (excluding the times she worked at the nightclub, obviously). Ever since he brought the girl back, they've been a trio of sorts.

With Freya still in her arms, Moira walked to the kitchen where Castro was, the man fixing together lunch. She let the girl play with the lose strands from her braid as she spoke to her best friend. "I'm bar tending tonight at the club, so I can't watch Freya for you."

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