13 November 2014

23 0 0

I will not introduce myself, but right away share my life with you, whosoever reads this.

It's noon, on my way to the dealer, a young arab, we meet in a subway station, somewhere in former westmpart of Berlin. One unit sold in small plastic 'balls' sells for €20 and contains about half a gram. The quality is less than that what is sold in Amsterdam. Just met W., the dealer. Got it. Now I have to get some steel foil, to get the shit smoked. Usually aluminium is used, but I prefer steel - no aluminium oxyde in the smoke FeO is far less dangerous. I just stopped smoking cigarettes and stepped over on electric smoking, for after 30 (!) years of  smoking H and tobacco, my lungs simpely don't take it anymore. I had to. Just pass 'Fischmaul' (fishmouth in german), one of the biggest creeps in the street scene, that gatheres arund the Kottbusser Tor Square. Last time that I lived in Berlin is 23 years ago, and still you find the street scene at the 'Kotti', how the Berliners call this place. But I'm not so nuts to by my stuff there, I have a telephone connection. No Kotti rip off. You call, ask, where he is, and there you go... Ok - I am settled and smoking. Just standing behind the lift of the subway station. I am not even hiding, because Berlin is FAR LESS repressive than Amsterdam, the Dutch police is a pain in the ass, since a right winged governement took the power there. When that took place, times for drug users got very hard. From that moment we were more in prison than outside. I'm now the second year in Berlin, and not even one time in the nick. See the difference. The liberal spirit of the Netherrands has COMPLETELY vanished. The generation now there is a law-and-order-zero-tolerance one. Lucky me, I'm here. Most of the people here are shooting up (injecting), but I stepped over on smoking and suppositorial (rectal) use. If you cook it in less than 1.5 ml of water and have had a shit on the same day before, then put the syringe without a needle in the rectum (ass), some 1 cm in and shoot it in there, theffect is like shooting up, only a bit time delayed. The same rush. And the same risk of an OD, so take care...

Drug life.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat