"Have Mum and Dad met her?"

"Oh, yeah. Ages ago. Before I realised I was, like, totally mad about her. She's been over for several sleepovers. I had Dipsy, Lils and V-dog over the other day and I'm pretty sure the 'rents thought we were having a big ol' lesbian orgy. Not that they did anything about it."

Our parents have always been incredible chilled out, especially compared to some of the stories I heard from friends when I was at school. India and Juneau had a tighter leash at one point, but Mum and Dad hardly know the meaning of strict or rules.

"Anyway," Paisley says, "speaking of attraction, who exactly is this new housemate of yours?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me. "Someone you're bonking? Have you finally moved on from Lame James?"

"Yes, I've moved on, but no, I'm not bonking anyone. God, Pea, that makes you sound like Dad. What kind of sixteen-year-old says bonking?"

"This one." She pokes her chest. "So, who's this Casper fellow? Oh! I'm gonna meet him, right? If he's living with you?"

"Maybe you should go to Dipsy's house," I say drily. I'm not sure I'm ready tor for Casper to be met with the tornado that is my little sister.

"No can do," she says, clucking her tongue. "Her parents don't know we're together and I'm about as subtle as a bulldozer."

I snort. "You don't say."

"Give me the low down. Who's Casper? How'd you meet? Is he cute? Why is he living with you?"

Untangling her flurry of words and questions, I say, "He's my friend; I met him a few years ago at Java Tea, where he works; yes, he's cute; he's living with me because his boyfriend broke up with him and he had nowhere to stay."

"Bummer. So he's gay? My next question was gonna be if you're hooking up."

"He's bi," I say, and Paisley's eyes light up. "No, we're not hooking up."

She winks at me. "But you think he's cute."

"That's just an objective fact."

"And that is what people say when they want to bang someone they shouldn't bang."

"You're right about one thing, Pea – you're as subtle as a bulldozer."

She laughs and nods. "You know it, Bethlehem. I can't wait to meet this dude. Does he know about me? Has he met any of the fam? Is he staying for Christmas?"

This girl, I swear. She is the human equivalent of a hurricane that swirls in and wreaks havoc with her whirlwind of questions and bluntness.

"He's met Mum."

"How come?" she cries out, suddenly indignant.

"We went for drinks on Monday; he charmed her. And yes, he knows I have three sisters."

She scoots closer. "Christmas, then? Is he staying with you, or returning to his own family, or what?"

"I'm pretty sure he's staying," I say, "but..."

"But what?"

"He hates Christmas."

"Oh. My. God."

"I know. Deal breaker, right?" I joke, but Paisley's grinning and shaking her head.

"No! What was I just saying?"

"Quite a lot."

"Opposites attract!" She claps and grins, mischief dancing in her eyes. "You're meant to be, Bee. You're a total nutcracker and he's a..."

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