First Key...

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Ran: " Hiro, you can take a break, I will watch over for a while."

Hiro: " no, I still can cont-"

She silenced him when she placed a finger on his mouth and smiled at him.

Ran: " I know my husband want to watch over us and protect us all. But I would rather like him to think about himself too. We won't be able to move on if you're exhausted, right?"

She pulled back her finger and Hiro smiled in defeat.

Hiro: " ok, alright, I will be taking a break. But you better be careful, sweetie."

Ran: " who do you think I'm!"

She said as she punched the air in front of his face. She withdrew her hand and smirked at him while titling her head.

Ran: " I will be more than fine."

He nodded and stood up, placing a kiss on her forehead, to which she let out a smile, then walked back to get some rest.

As he lied down on the ground next to his daughters, he snapped when Yumi called for him.

Yumi: " Dad..."

Hiro: " yes sweetie."

He said as he turned to face her, the half asleep girl rubbed her eyes with one hand.

Yumi: " Dad, I want to ask you, do you have some strange dreams lately?"

Hiro narrowed his eyes as his mind drifted back to the strange dreams he kept seeing for a few days.

Yumi: " as I thought... So maybe after all, they're memories of their past."

Hiro: " what about Yuri? Does she see the same dreams lately?"

Yumi shifted her look behind her to the red head sleeping next to her.

Yumi: " seems so, seeing that she is less energetic for the last few days."

Hiro merely sighed at that and caressed the blunette's hair.

Hiro: " listen Yumi, no matter what you see in those dreams, we're not them. We're a family, and we will always stay."

She nodded at him with a smile before shifting to get closer to him and they both drifted to the world of dreams.

Unbeknown to them, a certain red shining eyes snapped open at that.

The red head sat up and looked at the two blunettes next to her.

Vulcan: " family... Huh..."

He threw a quick look at the red haired man sleeping not so far from them with his daughter sleeping next to him, her leg on his stomach. He sighed and stood up, walking away from them...


As the sun of the new day rose up, the group woke up to the disappearance of the red haired girl. The older twin wasn't to be found any where near their camp.

Ran: " where could she go?"

She said clearly worried. And no one would blame her, since she had already lost a daughter before.

Hiro: " we have to split up and look for her."

Hikaru: " from all times, she had to disappear now!"

Haruki: " don't complain, can't you see the situation at hand, the girl is missing and she may be possibly in danger."

Hannah: " then, what are we waiting for, let's get going."

Rewrite:  Rebirth of GodsWhere stories live. Discover now