CHAPTER★12: Saving The Shield + Twitter War

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*Monday Night Raw*


The Brotherhood all were down on their knees while the Wyatt Family brutalize them, fans went from hateful boos to lovely cheers as a familiar theme played and the Sorority merged from the other opening and charge down the ramp with Mey leading her older seven maiden sisters, heading towards the ring with black steel baseball bats wrapped in steel barbwire. They slid right into the ring and attacked each Wyatt family member with their weapons. The Sorority took all of the Wyatt Family members down and clean house inside the arena.

"The Sorority is saving the Brotherhood from the Wyatt Family!" Michael exclaimed.

Braun shoved Zoie towards the turnbuckles, but the blonde woman leans against them and got ready to take down Strowman. When Braun turned to handle Roman into a Bear Hug until Zoie ran quick, and jumped onto Braun's broad shoulders and executed a swift falling DDT on Strowman.

"Morono with a Falling DDT on Strowman!" Michael exclaimed.

"She just saved Reigns from the Monster Among Men!" Jerry yelled in amazement.

Zoie rolled onto her feet and let out a woo. Charlotte charges fast and does the Confession on Braun. Their pairs of eyes verted from a motionless Braun to their loyal boyfriends, they helped Roman and Gavin on their feet.

Paige snaps her neck to see Luke storming towards her, she does the matrix move and hit Harper with a loud neck popping Kiss Of Death (Superkick). She does her other finisher Fade To Black (Paige-Turner) and roll him flat onto his back. All the fans have screamed in response as Faye cringed with their spines chilling from seeing that and went wide eyed in actual shock when Faye does her old move known as Insult To Injury.

"Grayson with her Insult To Injury on Harper!" Booker T said.

Paige grabs Luke and does the Lights Out (Ram-Paige) through the steel steps. She slowly gets up and helps Hayden on his feet as well. She reverts her full attention towards Becky and Erick for a moment before doing a single legged dropkick on Rowan.

The dynamic duo got up and did a running double clothesline on him. Kourtney aids Seth back on his heels and let him lean gently beside the turnbuckles.

"Erick, here comes a flying fallen angel from the starry night sky!" JBL yelled out.

Paige suddenly does her apron somersault plancha ("Make A Wish") on every Wyatt Family member before tossing Rowan back into the ring and crouching down a bit.

Erick stared down at Amy on his left, then Mey on his right, and burn his eyes straight at Becky in the front. Mey and Amy grabbed Erick for a double Russian Leg Sweep position, letting Charlotte do her Queen's Boot ("Big Boot") on Rowan.

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