Chapter 16 - Lightningstar

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Lightningstar ducked as a fox leaped over her. How were there so many? Even with two Clans worth of cats they seemed to be losing the battle.

The foxes were bigger than them and had snuck up on the cats, but mentors taught apprentices fighting techniques for moons and many cats there were seasoned warriors.

A few cats were still frozen with shock until Lightningstar yowled an order to attack.

She joined Spruceclaw in fighting one of the foxes. StoneClan and RainClan clearly had very different battle tactics. Despite that Lightningstar and Spruceclaw managed to work together to give the fox a few good scratches.

She jumped up to scratch the fox's head, but got distracted by Silverstar yelling something. Lightningstar turned towards her and the fox must have moved because Lightningstar crashed into the ground.

She landed hard on her shoulder and struggled to stand up for a moment. She shook out her fur and prepared to rejoin the battle, but cats were already running away. Silverstar had yelled for the cats to retreat.

They had lost the battle.


A few days later, Lightningstar woke up to the sound of screaming. It's Rosepaw again, isn't it? She thought as she and Pebblelight stuck their heads out of the leader's den. It was customary in RainClan that if a leader takes a mate they share the leader's den.

Several cats were gathered around the apprentice den, trying to calm a screeching Rosepaw. The black she-cat had been having nightmares ever since her mother's death. Her brother seemed to be coping better, but Bramblepaw hadn't been on a patrol in that area of the forest since it had happened.

Lightningstar looked at the family that had been torn apart by these foxes and knew she had to do something.


As Lightningstar walked towards the pond she knew that PondClan would agree to help. Dewstar was a sensible cat, after all.

She walked along the path RainClan takes to the gathering when PondClan hosts it. Dewstar was sitting near the fresh kill pile, chatting with Palefur.

"Dewstar? Can I speak to you?" The brown tabby nodded and they headed into the forest to talk.

"RainClan had been having a fox problem...StoneClan, too. We tried to fight the foxes, but they're abnormally fierce. Is there any way your warriors can fight with us, even just a few cats?"
Lightningstar would do anything to get rid of the foxes. Her Clan had suffered enough between losing Blossomfern and the serious injuries inflicted during the attacks.

"Where have the foxes been spotted?" Dewstar's pelt was prickling with anger. Throughout her leadership, there had been several devastating fox attacks in PondClan and Dewstar seemed to jump at any opportunity to take a dent out of their population as revenge.

"A bit far from my camp, but Silverstar said one of them camp right up to the entrance on multiple occasions. They live in a cave near Highstones." Lightningstar could see that Dewstar was thinking carefully about the information, so she waited for a moment for the tabby to speak.

"Was anyone killed?" Dewstar hesitated before speaking.

"...Yes, Blossomfern. Her kits...I'm afraid they may live the rest of their lives in fear of the foxes if we don't do something." Lightningstar had to fight to keep her voice steady. They HAD to do something.

"...I don't think PondClan can help."

"Why?! This is a threat to the Clans! More cats could- no, WILL die if we don't drive them out!" Lightningstar already knew she would lose the arguement. Dewstar was a sensible cat, sure, but was very stubborn when it came to deciding what was in PondClan's best interest.

"It is only a threat to RainClan and StoneClan. Where did you say they lived? Highstones? This camp is almost the farthest point from there!" Lightningstar could see where she was coming from with her arguement, but she still pressed on.

"The foxes will hunt down warriors until all of our Clans have been reduced to rubble. Do you really want to wait until the foxes are tearing apart your camp's walls to do something?!" Dewstar seemed to think about that for a moment, and her pelt smoothed out.

"Lightningstar, the needs of PondClan are my top priority. We've recently had a horrible bout of greencough and we lost our deputy. Our only apprentice was a kittypet only a half moon ago. We cannot risk fighting this battle." Lightningstar's eyes widened. Dewstar was the least likely cat to admit when her Clan was struggling. Every gathering the tabby said that her Clan was doing great when the other Clans had no fresh kill pile. Lightningstar was filled with sympathy for Dewstar and she felt a tinge of guilt for getting angry at her for protecting her Clan.

"Oh...Is there anyone you can spare?"

"Everyone's busy preparing for leaf-bare or doing patrols. The pond seems to be freezing early this year."

"Well, I'll ask Icestar at the next gathering. They seem to be settling in nicely." Dewstar started to say something, but clearly thought it better to keep quiet. She nodded and Lightningstar started to walk calmly away from PondClan.

"Wait!" Lightningstar looked back at Dewstar. "I'm not sure Icestar can be trusted yet. Be careful with what you say to her." Lightningstar looked at her with wide eyes, alarmed by her sudden declaration of mistrust.

"M-may StarClan light your path."

"May StarClan light your path." Dewstar walked back through the entrance and Lightningstar was left alone in the forest.

She suddenly remembered what she had come there to do. Her Clan was expecting her to come back with the good news of PondClan joining them to attack the foxes.

What could she tell them now? That the other Clans didn't think their torment was important enough? She thought about going to FlowerClan, but Dewstar's warning stuck in her head.

She walked slowly back to her camp, her heart heavy with the fact that she had failed her Clan.

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