Chapter 11__500 Years of Solitude

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Stefan had found Katherine at the bottom of the stairwell after having a heart attack and brought her to the hospital.

The doctors managed to bring her back, but they didn't think that she would survive the day. 

Stefan had compelled them to let him take her home.

I called Damon, and then Elena.

Caroline answered. "She doesn't feel like talking." 

"Well, she's going to want to talk about this."


In the library, Damon poured shots from Matt, Jeremy and me. "Rule number one: Name the worst thing Katherine Pierce has ever done to you. Rule number two: Toast to the glor of her impending death. Rule number three:  If you come across something that's worse, which you will, repeat rules one and two. She pretended to be buried in a tomb for 145 years, while I waited for her lying ass." He tossed back a shot. He looked at Jeremy. "Wait . . . Does that beat pretending to be Elena and kissing me on the front porch of your old house?" 

"I don't think so," Jeremy answered.

"I don't think so either," Damon told us. "Damn." He tossed back a shot. "Quarterback, go." 

"Uh . . ." Matt trailed off.

"Think on that," Damon told him, passing a shot glass to Jeremy. "Little Gilbert." 

"She fed me to Silas and I died," Jeremy told us.

"Doozy," I told him.

Jeremy tossed back a shot. "Then, she made me crash my car into a pole and left me for dead . . . again." 

"Double doozy," I told him. "Drink." 

Jeremy tossed back a shot. 

"My sister's dead because of her," Matt told us.

"Hm, so is my dad," I told them.

"Yes, they are," Damon agreed. "Because I wouldn't have even been in town to kill Uncle Zach or turn Vicki into a murderous vampire if I wasn't trying to get Katherine out of a tomb she wasn't in." 

Matt and I tossed back shots.

I handed them each other shot, picking up another for myself. "Group shot." 

Elena, Caroline and Bonnie walked in.

"Seriously?" Elena asked. 

"Elena . . ." Matt trailed off. "We were just, uh . . ." 

"I know what you're doing," Elena told us. She pointed at Jeremy. "You're cut off." Everyone was silent and awkward. Elena picked up a shot glass. "If anyone is drinking to Katherine's last days, it's going to be me." She took a shot. "She impersonated me . . .repeatedly." She took a shot. "Made Aunt Jenna stab herself in the stomach and she cut off Uncle John's fingers." 

"He might have deserved that," Jeremy told her. 

"My Grams died trying to close a tomb she wasn't in," Bonnie told us, taking a shot.

"Tyler's werewolf curse got triggered because of her," Caroline told us, taking a shot.

"Klaus followed her to Mystic Falls and because of that, we lost Jenna," Elena told us, taking a shot.

"And Alaric," Damon told us, taking a shot.

We all took a shot.

"We're going to need more booze," Matt told us, standing and walking out of the room. 

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