Chapter 3__Original Sin

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Katherine and Elena had had the same dream about Stefan last night. 

Stefan had gone to a bar called Jo's bar, fed on a woman and then left, only to be stopped by the sunlight without his daylight ring. 

Damon and Elena were in the parlor. Damon was pouring himself a drink. Elena was sitting on the couch, writing in her diary, pausing, picking up Stefan's daylight ring and looking at it pensively.

I walked into the room. "So I've found nine bars alone Route 29, and none of them are called 'Joe's'." 

"I had a feeling that there was something wrong all summer, and I ignored it," Elena told us.

"I had a bad feeling too, but I wasn't the one who ignored it," I told them, turning my head to look at Damon as I finished.

"Give it a rest, Nikki," Damon told me.

I looked at Elena. "But I was right. Stefan was in a safe, and probably killed whoever it was that found him."

"I know it sounds crazy, that I'm following some psychic dream, but it's the only lead that we have," Elena told us. 

"It doesnt sound crazy," I told her. "It is crazy. But I'm open-minded."

Katherine walked in. "Shotgun." We looked at her. "What? I get carsick in the back seat." She looked at Elena. "Another charming, human side effect you stuck me with." 

Elena looked at Damon. "Please tell me that she's not coming." 

"Trust me, I have no interest in Katherine's well-being, but for some reason, Silas wants her real bad, and if Silas wants her, I want her more," Damon told us.

"Can't we just stash her in the cellar?" Elena asked. "Or maybe a deep, dark well with a pair of water wings?" 

"Do you really think that I wanna take a road trip with you, America's most boring, self-righteous vampire?" Katherine asked. "Just remember, Damon wouldn't have to play bodyguard if you hadn't shoved that Cure down my throat." 

"You were trying to kill me!" Elena told her. 

"I will admit, though, I take great pleasure knowing that you wasted your one shot at a human life on me," Katherine told her.

"All right, play nice, or I'm gonna revisit the deep, dark well idea," I told them.

"I wanna find Stefan just as much as you do, and not just because I don't wanna be a pawn that you can trade off for his life," Katherine told us. "I care about him. I always have." She looked at Elena. "And since we've been having the same dream . . . makes me think you care about him just as much." 

"Okay, train's leaving the station," Damon told us. "Choo-choo!" He walked toward the door. "You too, Nixs." 

"Why?" I asked. "I mean, I wanna find Stefan as much as you guys, but you normally want me to stay behind so I don't get hurt." 

"But remember what Silas did to you with me standing right there?" Damon asked. "Imagine what horrible things he could do to you to get to us when I'm not here. Pretty sure it wouldn't just be cutting your wrists." 

I smiled half-heartedly. "Right. Let's go." 


Damon was driving the car. Elena was in the passenger seat. Katherine and I were in the back.

"You sure you know what you're looking for?" I asked. "Last bar had a red awning and a neon sign." 

Bad Feelings (Zach's Daughter series, Book Five, The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now