"your supposed to be at home safe"he said

"oh watch out your hummanity is showing"i siad

"i turned it back on"he said

"well good for you me and my sister have to go to class"i said and we walked away me and kat both smitking we walked into class and took our seats stefan came in and took a seat behind kat

i noticed everyone staring at me and kat"kat stand please"i said she stood up and followed me to the front of the class

"you know me elena"i said

"and i'm katherine her twin sister"kat said

"you can tell the difference because i wear my hair flatironed"i said

"and i wear mine curled"she said

"don't call me katherine"i said

"don't call me elena"she said

"and we won't have any problems"we both said then we walked to our seats

"and warning its not pretty if you mix up their names i know from experience"care said

"shut up"me and kat said

"you two are scary"bonnie said

"thanks"we said

"really scary"bekah said class went on as our classed went on we made that anncouncement 3 more times then it was lunch we sat outside

"elena can i talk to you"stefan said

"why"i said

"please"he said

"fine but not alone kat comeon"i said and we walked by the trees

"why did you choose her"he asked

"bonnie is a witch care is bipolar and rebekah is gonna listen in anyways but she owes me i got her a pardon after 00 years of running"i said

"i wanted to say sorry for the way i acted when i had no hummanity i'm sorry for almost killing you"he said

"its ok"i said

"there's a and coming"kat said

"and i wanted to know if you'd take me back"he said

"no"i said

"can you at least think about it"he asked

"no i won't i forgive you but no we can't be together i'm done with you" i said

"is this because of damon"he asked

"hell no i'm done with both of you we can be friends but neither of you will be with me"i said

"damn"kat said

"who's the guy"he asked

"what guy"i said pretending to be clueless

"elena don't"he said

"no you don't stefan your not my mom dad or boyfriend so how about you leave me alone"i said

"do i know him"he asked i smiled and walked away

"damn your done with them"kat said

"yes i am"i said then we sat down

"oh my god"bekah said

"damn"bonnie said

"finally"care said

"you said it"i said

"he's gonna be pissed"bonnie said

"not my problem"i said

"care its your turn"bonnie said

"don't remind me"care said

"ok lets go to class"i said we went to the rest of our classes and then we went home

"ok theirs another spell i want to teach you"bonnie said

"which is"i asked

"its a communication spell you get talk through you mind with someone you choose"she said

"witch to witch or can it be anyone"i asked

"anyone but were gonna try it on eachother"she said

"ok"i said

she chanted something then i could here her in my head

"can you hear me"she said

"yeah i can"i said

"good"she said then she stopped

"ok so now i want you to try"she said

i chanted what i was told then tried to speak to her

"bonnie can you hear me"i said

"yes"she said

"what do i use this for"i said

"if something ever happens all you have to do is think of the person or persons you want to talk to"she said

"thanks"i said then i  dropped the connection

"your getting a lot better"she said

"thanks"i said

"its awesome not to be the only witch"she said

"yeah"i said

"ok lets practice more"she said

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