Chapter 14

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Unbelievable to Evelyn's eye yet, it had happened, after being hurled to the was from brute force Evelyn used the demon turned back into Juliet, however, She doesn't want to acknowledge that her friend has returned because she could turn back into the monster again but Joseph was foolish too stupid to run to Juliet. First thing she heard was a very masculine cackle before Joseph was sent flying to the air. He pleaded for help, nothing could save him, he landed of the top of the glass angel sitting on top Christmas tree, half of the angel was engulfed by his stomach. Blood seeped out of him flowing down the Christmas tree, decorating it more.

Evelyn's chance too take in what had happened was interrupted by Juliet emerging to the air laughing tauntingly at Evelyn who was galloping down the stairs hurriedly wishing that this nightmare would be over but it didn't. She began screaming for help as now Juliet slowly walked down the stairs, the small bulbs of the Christmas light began exploding one by one splashing Joseph's blood on Evelyn's face every step Juliet took.

"Please, you have killed everyone just Juliet go!" Evelyn pleaded her eyes returning from the clock that reminded her only thirty minutes left. Thirty minutes to distract Juliet and save what was left of her life.

"Oh cut the act Evelyn, I know what you want and you know what I want" Juliet had reached the last step, now, the demon-possessed Juliet's voice as if it had fully gained access to it.

"I am being serious, you don't know what Juliet had been through. She doesn't need you to ruin her more, leave her, take me. You've taken everything from me leaving me like this is the worst you could do for me, instead of Juliet I want to offer myself. Please take me. Do what you want just release her" Evelyn said, her voice booming around the house like a booted bass, containing enough confidence to shake Beyoncé.

"Oh Evelyn, after everything that has happened still the attention-seeking whore aren't you? You just couldn't stand Juliet getting more attention than you, just the same old Evelyn that sacrificed her brother to his grandmother and father's wrath just because he was paying more attention to the sister's poor broken friend than to his own sister" Juliet said stopping in front of the stairs. Her hand caressing the railing but eyes focused on Evelyn.

"You just ruin everyone's life" shouted Joseph his voice coming from Juliet's mouth.

"You treat me like nothing but a dog" declared her mother, barking at the end to add more effect to her words.

"I'm your personal ATM machine," Her grandmother said, disappointed. A tone that Evelyn had gotten used to.

"You act as you love me now but why did you take a step back when the whole family abandoned me just for loving a woman" It was the voice of her Aunt Marie, who came out as lesbian few years ago causing all of her siblings to outcast her from the whole family until she broke up with the girl she loved a year ago after getting tired of her own family ignoring her. Suddenly, everybody fell in love with her again.

"You suffocated me like my father and designed me to be you yet I ended up being better than you and now you are nothing but a terrified girl that I am going to kill just like my father," Said it, returning to Juliet, Evelyn was on the floor tearing up uncontrollably. Her heart remains intact, her body was uninjured but her soul was damaged behind repair, the word the imitation of people around had had said rolling around her head like a roller coaster tracks without a halt. The cart spins unendingly on every part of her brains disrupting any positive thoughts from entering.

"We heard what the witnesses has to say, now the punishment. Are you ready for a hell of a ride Evelyn?" Juliet took a step further, opening her mouth too wide making the corners of her lips ripping open to her cheeks reveal flames.

Hungry flames seeking for the vulnerable to prey on, there she saw it all, more than a hundred thin frames of human beings beaten by drought laying defeated on the desert letting the vast orange sea of lava wash over them. Hands flailing reaching out for help as they were immersing into the flood regardless, the attempts were too late since the blaze already engulfed more than half of the victim's body leaving only the burnt desperate hand to fly away as nothing but ashes.


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