Chapter 1

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Thirty minutes early, YOU ARE WELCOME!

Okay, so it's midnight and I'm tired. So GOODNIGHT!

Have a good day/night/afternoon whatever, whereever!




- Hayley


Chapter 1

Clementine’s POV


“Oh my God, oh my freakin, flipping God!” I screamed, holding my stomach in my hands.

“Harry!” I screamed, sweat began dripping from my forehead.

“Harry!” I screamed again. When I didn’t get a response I shakily stood to my feet, wobbling towards the staircase. I walked down, going into the basement, or what he called the ‘studio’.

“Harry!” I cried, I saw him-ear phones in, playing on the piano. I tapped on his shoulder, making him jump a foot in the air.

“What’s wrong, love?” He asked.

We had only been married for seven months, but he was still the sweetest, most amazing husband I could ever ask for.

“I think it’s time.” I said, pointing to the trail of liquid that had followed me down the staircase.

Harry jumped to his feet, running up the staircase, mumbling stuff about calling- and getting. I slowly wobbled my way up the staircase just as he ran out the front door and shut the door.

I watched from the window as the car pulled out.

“You’re kidding me, right?” I asked no one in particular. Another wave of pain racked over my body, making me wince and bite my lip. I grabbed my phone from the table and walked out the door, the heat hitting hard.

I made it down the front porch just as he pulled back in the drive. He helped me into the car.

“I’m sorry, I’m so, so, so sorry.” He kept repeating, but I didn’t feel like talking.

I was in labor for four hours after that, but it was all worth it, because I got to meet my amazing baby boy- Aiden Edward Styles.

The only downer?

He had Louis eyes.

That was the night my husband found out the truth about our son, he wasn’t mad like I thought he would be, he wasn’t even mad that I lied about it, but I think that was just because he was holding the baby when I said that, he was covered in joy from head to two, luckily, the only thing Aiden had of Louis’s was his eyes, and maybe that would change over time.

During the seven months Niall and Eleanor had gotten engaged, and had ‘their’ son, Ethan Seth, who took the name of Horan. Things had been great during those seven months, and they were followed by three amazing years.

I thought my life with Harry and Aiden would always be amazing.

But that was before I saw the news report.

Louis Tomlinson released from prison.

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