I know you want it but you won't get it

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Flashback to Friday...

The green eyed girl stood outside Hannah’s house, waiting for the girl to come out. It was a date night for the two of them, and both girls were excited, for different reasons of course. Lauren was excited for having a new person to fuck, while Hannah was excited to go out on a date with THE Lauren Jauregui. It was so surreal for her, she still thinks that this is a dream.

And sadly for her, it kind of is. Lauren wasn’t that interested in Hannah aside from fucking her. Lauren did like the girl, and she was sure that the girl would be a good girlfriend, but Lauren wasn’t that attracted to her. She wasn’t attracted to her at all, except for just being sexually attracted to her.

In all honesty, Lauren kind of felt bad for Hannah. She was sure that the girl would be very hurt, but the two of them actually getting together wasn’t real or possible. How could it be? The two girls were completely different, there wasn’t anything that could pull them together, there wasn’t anything that would drive them.

"Hey, sorry if I took a little longer than expected," Hannah apologized as she stepped out of the house.

Lauren sent her a small smile, shaking her head slightly.

“It’s no problem. Ready to go?” Lauren shot her a small smile, extending her hand out for Hannah to take and hold.

Hannah nodded in response, blushing and taking Lauren’s hand, the two of them then heading towards Lauren’s black BMW 435i.

The green eyed girl opened the door for the girl, who blushed even harder and got inside. Lauren closed the door and walked around the car, sending a quick text to her friends, telling them not to text her for a couple hours, and then proceeding to send a message to Camila, letting her know that she was about to have a good night.

Camila sent her a thumbs up in response, and Lauren got inside the car, buckling her seat belt and driving off to the restaurant she was planning to take Hannah out to. The two girls talked the whole ride, but Lauren wasn’t really paying much attention to their talk. Instead she was thinking about the good night she was going to have.


The girls had a great dinner, even Lauren would say that, though she usually didn’t care about how the date went as long as she still got her chance to fuck. What was different about this time, Lauren didn’t know, but she didn’t mind it. Hannah seemed to be very happy and cheerful, so Lauren took it as a good sign. The happier the girl was, the easier it was for Lauren to do what she was planning on doing.

“Would you like anything else?” Their waiter asked as he passed by their table. Lauren looked up and smiled slightly, giving him a nod.

“Yeah, could we get the check, please?” She asked, looking the young boy in the eyes.

He nodded and walked off after Lauren handed him her card, leaving the two girls on their own once again.

Hannah looked at Lauren and smiled. She couldn’t believe she was actually on a date with Lauren. I mean, it wasn’t really possible. A popular hot girl like Lauren taking a plain and simple girl like Hannah out on a date, what? But Hannah didn’t care at this point. She was excited and happy about the fact that she actually had a chance of dating Lauren Jauregui, which is literally what everyone in their school wished for. Looks like Hannah would be the lucky girl.

The boy returned with the check and Lauren’s card, and wished them a good night. Lauren signed the check and headed outside with Hannah, holding the girl’s hand as they walked towards Lauren's car. This was it, Lauren thought, now is my chance.

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