December 10, 2019

10.9K 411 163

☀️ = Sol
🏋🏼‍♂️ = Alex
😈 = Byron
💕 = Lachlan


Heart = Owned

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
Have a good day, my loves xx

See you tonight for christmas decorations

Bye Bish😈

a whole bb💕
am extreme excite

Bye Bish😈
my FKN heart wowow

Hubba Hubba🏋🏼‍♂️
Lol, okay. Excited for tonight, too.

Should I buy eggnog and gingerbread on my way to work?

Bye Bish😈
nah, lach and i are going shopping so we'll get it

Okay, thank you❤️


Sol rests against the headboard as Byron rolls atop Lachlan, effectively pinning the man beneath him so he can kiss him. He does his best to ignore the two of them, knowing he needs to leave for the office in an hour to pass on his cases' verdict.

Alicia Reynolds' abuser will be locked behind bars for a very long time.

Sol loves it when he's victorious in court, but there's something about this particular case that makes his victory feel particularly memorable. Perhaps the connection Alicia has to Byron's family, that the case hit closer to home than Sol was allowed to admit in court.

Regardless, hearing the verdict-- knowing the foul man behind it all is now in jail... Sol hides a grin behind his hand, yawning. Triumph courses through his veins, and it fuels him to roll out of bed.

Lachlan's whiny voice and Byron's teasing follows him to the bathroom where he showers in the cold and pulls on what Alex laid out for him last night. He doesn't go back to the bedroom, knowing he'll be tempted to join in on the fun. Instead he fixes himself breakfast and switches the early morning news on.

He's out the door by ten to seven and in the office half an hour later. He greets the men and women he knows and ignores the others; his goal isn't to chit chat but to find his superior and request the next four weeks off.

He's due annual leave. Hell, he's probably due more than what's he going to ask for. But four weeks will be enough.

After the weekend, all Sol wants is to stay at home with Byron and Lachlan and be around for Alex's lunch breaks. He doesn't want to get caught up in another case right now.

As he approaches the glass-walled office, Sol's stomach twists. Making such a big request doesn't sit well with him.

But he knows he's due it, and after handing over the files from Alicia Reynolds' court case and telling them the verdict, he can't imagine why they'd say no.


Byron taps his foot, standing at the front door and waiting for Lachlan to hurry up. The man in question sits at the table, fiddling with his shoelaces. Time-consuming, annoying-as-fuck shoelaces.

"Do we have to go?" Lachlan asks again, standing slowly and wandering into the kitchen to grab a couple of shopping bags.

"Yes, angel. Come on, we can stop by all the cool stores on our way around the centre, too. Don't you want to look in the new Christmas store?"

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