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Brooke's POV

I woke up to the faint sound of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air playing on a TV and a light pressure on my right hand. When I looked over at the source of the pressure I found Iris asleep in the chair. I squeezed her hand, causing her to wake up and draw her attention to me. "Brooke, you're awake," she smiled.

"Looks like it," I responded, my voice gravelly. "How long have I been out?"

"A day and a half, don't worry. You didn't miss anything," Iris answered. "The doctor said you got really lucky, the bullet narrowly missed your heart and you lost a lot of blood. Who ever shot you was shooting to kill. They said they have to keep you in for observation tonight and if everything is normal you can be discharged tomorrow." I nodded my head in understanding.

"Where's Barry?" I asked. Iris frowned in response. Well, that can't mean anything good.

"He's a little too busy for us at the moment, he's been weird since he woke up, and he won't tell me what's going on with him. I mean we grew up down the hall from each other, you'd think at this point he'd trust me."

"I take it he's being an asshole," I observed. She smiled sadly at me.

"That's an understatement. I just wish he would talk to me. Or at least you," she told me.

"Has he come in-" I was cut off by the door opening. Iris and I both turned to look at the door only to see Joe and Barry walk in.

"Hey kiddo, how're you feeling?" Joe asked me as he made his way over to the hospital bed. He kissed my forehead as I answered.

"As good as I can be for, ya know, being shot," I told him. "But I'm tough Joe, I can take anything anyone throws at me," I grinned. "Anyway, can I-uh..can I talk to Barry, alone for a second?" The Wests nodded and left the room leaving me and Barry in an awkward silence.

"Brooke I'm so sorr-"

"Save it," I interrupted. "I don't care about why you suddenly disappeared. I don't care about why you weren't there when I got shot. What I do care about is why your dumbass pissed Joe and Iris off." Barry's eyes became desperate. I could tell he had a lot on his mind, but why couldn't he just talk to us. "Just talk to us Barry. Please. Talk to me." Barry's expression softened. He looked conflicted, like he wanted to tell me something but he couldn't.

"Brooke, if there was something to talk about, then trust me I would do it. But there's not, so don't worry. You're getting all worked up over nothing," Barry reassured me. I frowned, not quite believing him but I decided to shelf the subject for the time being. Before things got awkward, a knock on the door caused our attention to shift. A nurse walked in to perform a check up on me and she asked Barry to exit the room for a minute.

"Barry!" I called out before he left, "Don't think this conversation is over!" Barry smiled lightly before nodding and leaving the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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