Chapter 17

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"B-Bakugou...I can't even fight them I'm so I have a stabbed leg.."I whispered in bakugou chests holding him tightly.

"That damn idiot! Why did he leave you, you have badly injured that little piece of shit!"Bakugou said running to Uraraka.

"Don't talk about him like that Bakugou., "I said letting my tears fall.



"Call me Katsuki you idiot!"

We made it to Uraraka who was worried in my room waiting.

"Round face I got her!"Bakugou shouted putting me on the bed.

"Uraraka can you heal me.."I said so weakly.

"I can't right now Y/n," She said with a sad expression on her face looking down.

"What the hell do you mean you can't heal her, she's in pain! Help her!"Bakugou yelled.

"Y/ need to let this one heal on its own.." she said.

"W-Why.."I question shocked.

"Y/n I healed you for 7 years without your body healing for itself it's not healthy for you and me too to use all that energy.." She said crying.

"I understand don't worry but I hope you know how to bandage then, "I said letting down a tear and with a chuckle trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yes, But this might hurt a little I need to wash it so all your wounds won't be affected."She said asking Bakugou for cloth, bandages, and water.

Outside I heard the fighting stop. I was happy it stopped. There was a big knock on the door and it opened having Deku and...


"Y/n are you okay!"Deku said crying waiting for a response.

"Yaoyorozu is okay don't worry," Todoroki said to you with no emotion.


"Get the hell away from her half and half!"Bakugou shouted pushing him.

"Bakugou the supplies you can worry about him later Y/n needs to help fast before she loses more blood!" Uraraka shouted trying to hold my wounds to stop the bleeding by the touch of her touching my wounds it hurt.

"Ow!"I shouted out crying by the pain on my body after that Bakugou glared at Todoroki and started to run out of the room.

"Y/n it's going to be alright!"Deku said trying to comfort but made me feel worse by the way.

"Uraraka!You're holding them to tight!"I said crying.

"Sorry Y/n but it's the only way to stop the bleeding!"She said.

I looked around Uraraka looked worried but scared the same time and crying, Deku was letting down some tears worried biting his nails, and Todoroki he was just against the wall arms crossed looking down.

'Does he even care!"

_flash back_
"I am Prince Todoroki Shoto's honor to meet you, miss..."


"Y/N what a beautiful name for a beautiful young lady"
"Go help yourself"

_End of flash back_

"Todoroki, "I said looking up trying not to cry.

The others stared at me waiting what I have to say. Todoroki looked up still with no emotional face that hurt me so much.

"Get out, "I said coldly looking at him with watery eyes.

Everyone looked shocked including him.

"What?"He said with a shocked but sad expression on his face standing up straight looking at me.

"I said get out damnit!"I shouted at him tears dropped down. "Ow! Uraraka stop holding it too tight it hurts!"

After I said that Bakugou walked in with bandages and water and glared at Todoroki who had a shocked face by my snap at him.

"You heard her, get out Half and Half, "Bakugou said with a smirk than a worry expression running to me.

"As you wish...M'Lady.."Todoroki said with a sad expression about to leave the room.

"I'm going to wait outside," He said wiping his face and walking out.

'Was that a He deserves it.'

"Like a flower"/Todobakudeku x reader/Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now