Chapter 6

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"I-"I froze not knowing what to say

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"I-"I froze not knowing what to say.

"These two nerds say that you are a good fighter and good hunter and I guess I believe them you look like the type," Bakugou said turning away blushing.

'This is your chance to be free and help others! But why do I feel a tug in me saying not to go...No I wanted this moment for my whole life I want to help others I don't want people to go through worse then what I been through.'

"You don't have to go if you don't want to Y/N we're not making you!"Deku said flustered.

"If she says no I will make her say yes, "Bakugou said with an annoyed face.

"Kacchan no! She already has a lot to deal with, if she doesn't want to help us "Deku said.

"Guys calm down, "Todoroki told the two that are starting to get impatient.

"I'm in, "I said with a serious face.

"Well we will go get our stuff for the Journey," Uraraka said with a big smile.

"My bestie we going on a journey into the unknown!"Uraraka said hugging me tightly.

"Uraraka-San I can't breathe, "I said trying to hug back.

I couldn't help but smile at my best friend by her excitement when I looked at the boys in the corner you could see the blush on all of them bakugou turned away, Todoroki has his hand on his face, and Deku just as red as a tomato not knowing what to do.

'They're blushing? Is it because of me? No, they can't...right?'

_Outside your house_

"Just want to warn you to stay out here and if I don't come out under 15 minutes just go without me, "I whispered telling the others and walked in the house.

"Wait w-"Todoroki was about to ask but I already walked away.

_Inside the house_

As I was walking to my room I quickly put something for this Adventure (Outfit on top but any color you want)And grabbed my belongings which wasn't that much and started to walk to the front door but got caught...

"Where were you brat!"-mom yelled crossed armed.

"I'm going to be leaving for a while mother"-I confessed

"In that."-mom snapped.

"Why it's nothing big about it?"-I questioned.

"Come here!"-mom said trying to grab my hand.

"Let go of me!"I begged.

"You are not leaving this house who do you think you are!"Mom shouted.

"Let go of me! I got to go to help me, friends!" I shouted tearing up.

"And who allowed you to have friends?" father said walking in the room where I and my mom were.

"Stop let go of me!"-Y/N begged more.

"What is wrong with you brat!" father yelled at me grabbing my wrist.

"What's wrong with you guys all I see is monsters!"I got free and ran outside seeing my friends with shock faces.

"Come back here you brat!"-dad yelled running after me.

"Hey who the hell do you think you are!"Bakugou shouted at my dad as I was right behind him shaking.

"This doesn't involve you!"Dad shouted at bakugou

"Well for me yes it does"Todoroki got in front of my dad with a serious face.

"P-Prince Shoto," Dad said with a scared facial expression. I never that side of my dad I couldn't help but giggles a little behind bakugous back.

"Like a flower"/Todobakudeku x reader/Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now