Lori's Dreams & Nightmares

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After two weeks of searching for Lily and Lincoln, the Loud family decided to rest for the night and sleep in a hotel, the rest of the Louds slept well but not Lori as she tried to sleep but she had were nightmares.

Within Lori's Dreams & Nightmares

The first dream starts with it began Lori was yelling at Lincoln telling that he's adopted, history was repeating itself, that same night Rita and Lynn Sr disowned Lincoln including Lily, Lincoln was on his way back to his room until Lori stopped him.

Lori: Lincoln

Lincoln: *Angry* what do you want now?

Lori: Lincoln I'm sorry that I told you're adopted I didn't mean to tell you all of that

Lincoln: Well it's already too late mom and dad already disowned both me and Lily I got nothing to do here

Lori: Look I'll explain them everything and everything will go back to normal

Lincoln: It's not going to make any difference, they'll think you're sticking up for me so that Lily and I can stay and be the disappointments

Lori: No I will not allow them to do that to Lily and you

Lori came to their parents room where they were still angry until Lori came and explained everything but they still didn't believe her until Lori had enough and said.

Lori: If you don't believe and if you still disown Lily and Lincoln then disown me as well I will not allow them to suffer

Rita and Lynn Sr saw that Lori was being honest and facing the error of her ways and noticed that Lily and Lincoln are just kids and they just turned their backs on them.

Rita: What have I done? I just disowned my own two babies

Lynn Sr: Lincoln come back here we need to talk to you

Lincoln: I know you want me and Lily out of here by tomorrow morning, I'm already packing everything

Lynn Sr: No we were wrong of trying to get rid of you and we know that you did wrong too but Lori explained everything and we want to make it up to you and Lily

Lincoln: But tomorrow is Lane's birthday

Rita: Not tomorrow, tonight

Lincoln & Lori: Tonight?!

Rita: Yes tonight

Rita and Lynn Sr took Lily and Lincoln to their places and gave them big hugs to show that they're sorry and everything went back to normal.

The Second Nightmare

The second nightmare is where Lori is disowned instead of Lily and Lincoln, Lori was about to leave until Lincoln appeared and said.

Lincoln: Lori

Lori: Lincoln you shouldn't be here they'll kick you out too

Lincoln: I don't care you'll always be my sister

Lori: Thanks Lincoln

Lincoln: But I just want to know why?

Lori: Why What?

Lincoln: Why did you make my parents disown Lily and me

Lori: Lincoln I didn't mean to

Lori watched in horror as Lincoln's body was decaying.

Lincoln: You did this to me I'm probably dead and it's all your fault

Lori: No Lincoln *wakes up* LINCOLN!! *crying* this all my fault, LINCOLN FORGIVE ME LINCOLN!!!

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