Lily's First Mission

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After years and months of training, Ronnie Anne and the Ozunu clan see that Lily is now ready to finally be an Ozunu ninja.

Raizo: Lily you have training all your life, succeeded every test and proved yourself worthy of protecting yourself, you're finally an Ozunu like your mother and father

Lily: Thank you Raizo

Raizo: Your father would be very proud of you *Give Lily her disguise*

Lily: Thank you, I won't let the Ozunu down, I will not fail my own mother

Lily put on her outfit and prepared her first mission, her first mission is to scout the city of Chicago for the Renegades without getting caught. Lily scouted throughout the entire city and caught some Renegades attacking two civilians, Lily jumped one of the Renegades but the she noticed that the two civilians are two of her former sisters, Lily disguised her voice and fought against the Renegades.

Lily: You will pay the price for terrorizing the people of Chicago and the people of the world

Renegade: We'll see about that Ozunu

Lily used the invisible technique where she can disappear and reappear from one place to another. One by one the Renegades were being defeated by Lily a.k.a the chosen one.

Renegade #1: Even if you kills us more will come to destroy you...chosen one

Lily: Try and I'll make you into sushi

Lily killed the final Renegade ninja but forgot knowing that Luan and Lynn were witnessing everything.

Luan: Um excuse us

Lily: Huh?

Lynn: We're Lynn and Luan Loud we're looking for our brother Lincoln and our sister Lily have you seen them?

Lily: Sorry never heard of them

Luan: Just take the picture and give us some information

Lily took the picture but still refused to help them and continued on her mission to scout and prevent any Renegades from attacking civilians. Back in the apartment Lily returned home with pride and began to chat Ronnie Anne on how time went by and now she's an Ozunu and also remembering the past.

Lily: Time sure did fly

Ronnie Anne: I know and did you know that I only joined the Ozunu for your father Lincoln


Before the Ozunu, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were martial artists they would always train together and win tournaments but when Lincoln went missing, Ronnie Anne was desperate to find Lincoln so she continued with her martial arts career hoping that she would find him but one day faith was on her side. Ronnie Anne arrived to Chicago for a job interview but suddenly she was surrounded by Renegades she fought back as long as she could  until she saw two of them being be-headed and out of nowhere an Ozunu ninja came out the darkness attacking the Renegades.

After the Renegades were destroyed Ronnie Anne saw the Ozunu and said.

Ronnie Anne: Thanks for helping me but I gotta get going because I'm looking for someone

Ozunu Ninja: Who would that be?

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln Loud my boyfriend and future husband, he disappeared years ago and I've been looking for him but now I think he's with someone else

Ozunu Ninja: He would never choose another girl before you because you're the love of his life

Ronnie Anne: How do you know that?

Ozunu Ninja: Who would know but *unmasks and reveals himself as Lincoln* me

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln!

Lincoln: Yes my love it's me

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln mi amor verdadero you're alive

Lincoln: Yes my Ronnie Anne, I've became a member of the Ozunu with Lily ever since my family disowned us, come.....come with me, I want the love of my life back

Ronnie Anne: Yes I want to be with you and I don't to loose you again

That night Lincoln took Ronnie Anne to the Ozunu clan where she was welcomed to the Ozunu family and became an Ozunu ninja.

End Of Flashback

Ronnie Anne: *Sigh* memories, being married to Lincoln and becoming your mother were the most wonderful events that ever happened to me

Lily: I know mom and also someone left a letter for you

Ronnie Anne opened the letter and was surprised for what the letter said.

"Do not grief for Lincoln's death because soon you two will be together again you just don't know it yet"

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