Strawberries: Part 2

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~ mature language is used ~

The plane ride to Cheyenne, Wyoming is nothing but observations about this new UnSub. What was up with the love letters he left with his victims anyway? Everyone has their predictions, but you, Spence, and Hotch all unanimously agree that it's a sign of remorse towards these victims, which is always somewhat interesting. After a little bit more conversation about this UnSub, Hotch tells you and Reid to go to the local PD and set up there. He instructs others to do other things, but your stomach decides to fill itself with butterflies, distracting you from hearing the rest of what Hotch has to say.


Just as Hotch instructed, you and Spence arrive to the PD and are greeted with the Sheriff. Once small greetings are exchanged, the Sheriff leads you to a room with a white board at the front and a glass table in the middle of the room. You take a seat and set down your beloved strawberries as Spence starts asking some questions.

You were normally the quieter part of your team. Yeah, you gave your thoughts and whatnot, but you never were the one to discover a huge part of the profile or anything of the sort. Hotch tries to get you to do stuff, but somehow, it always backfires on him and on you. The only person who really got you to do stuff with the BAU was Garcia, and she wasn't around a lot to even give that encouragement. Spence took that role for her once we had a case. You have to admit, you find it both adorable and hilarious when Spencer gets excited about what he's talking about.

"Earth to (Y/N) (L/N)!"

The sudden mention of your name startles you as your head snaps in Spence's direction. It's then you realize that the Sheriff has disappeared. "Sorry," you say through a smile. "I was... thinking."

"Clearly," Spence says with a smirk on his face. "What were you thinking about?"

Your face reddens slightly as you reply, "Nothing." To try to avoid the embarrassment, you take a bite into another strawberry.

Spence's light chuckle makes those butterflies in your stomach go haywire.

"(Y/N), I've wanted to tell you-"

Spence's silky voice is cut off by a much deeper voice - one that belonged to Morgan. "Victimology is almost the exact same: an attractive woman with blue eyes in her mid to late twenties."

This must be one of the first times that you wish that Morgan didn't walk into this room.

~ time skip ~

In the end, the UnSub was caught and jailed for his crimes. Even though you hate it, you couldn't help but feel a little bit bad for him, since he was trying to recreate how he found his mother dead when he was a young child. Sometimes, it made you wonder how this job could make you feel bad for a murderer. That feeling made you feel like shit.

All of the sudden, this UnSub was less of a son of a bitch than you thought.

As you walk down the aisle of the plane, you notice that everyone is asleep. Well, everyone except for Spencer Reid, who's sitting on the bench in the corner, reading a book at a million miles per minute. Being a little bit bold, you plop yourself down next to Spence. He locks eyes with you and smiles before looking back down to his book.

Sadly, your basket of strawberries is almost empty. Hunger visited you constantly back in Wyoming. Nevertheless, you take a strawberry out and hold it towards Spence. "Want one?"

His eyes look up and examine the strawberry. "No thanks," he whispers as he shifts his sitting position. "You know, you'd be surprised at how tough it was to get a good batch of strawberries."

"I'm sure," you say, not realizing what Spence has just said. You take a few more bites when it hits you. "Wait, you got these for me? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Spence's smile is enough to make your heart jump to your throat. "I was about to tell you, but Morgan and the whole team walked in."

His smile seems to be contagious, since you're smiling, too. "Spence, you didn't have to!"

"I wanted to," he replies. "They're sweet, just like you."

Now, you don't know if it was what he said, or the time of day, or if you were tired, or if you just wanted to, but something in you made you lean over and impulsively kiss Spencer.

Of course, he's caught by surprise (and so are you), but he delightfully kisses you back without hesitation.

You're afraid to admit to yourself how much you wanted this kiss to happen. You've loved Spencer for the longest time, but nothing in you has been compelled to act the way you are now. His good kissing skills shock you, leaving you to wonder how one person can be so good at literally everything and still be this hot.

Deep down, you're a little disappointed that you had to pull away, but unfortunately for you two, breathing is a necessity of human life. You two lock eyes as Spencer starts to laugh a little.

"What?" you say, a single eyebrow raised. "Am I not a good kisser?"

"No, no, it's not that," he says amid chuckles.

The suspense is killing you. "Then what is it?" You cross your arms, seriously wondering what he finds to be so hilarious.

"You taste like strawberries."

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