He grinned and nodded before picking up his bag and leaving the room, me following behind.


“Where are we going?” Louis complained for the hundredth time as we drove away from the set.

“You’ll see!” I answered with the same answer I had given everytime.

“Haz!” He groaned.

“Haz?” I asked, curious at the new nickname and making him turn red.

“Uh, yeah, I, um,” He stammered.

“I like it, Lou.” I replied with a smile as I accentuated the nickname.

“Lou?” He asked, mimicking me as I nodded cheekily. “I like it.” He answered with a smirk and I couldn’t help but think that this was a very different Louis to the defensive, snappy boy I had met a few months ago.

“So where are we going?” He piped up after a few minutes of silence.

“Jesus, Lou!” I exclaimed with a laugh. “Do you ever give up?”

“Nope.” He replied, shaking his head. “Where are we going? Where are we going? Where are we going?” He repeated, poking my cheek each time.
“Oh my God, fine!” I exclaimed once I’d had enough. “We’re going to the place I always go when I’m upset. It’ll make you feel better, promise.” I told him.

He seemed content at that and stopped the poking.
“So where’s that?” he asked.

“Just down this road a little farther.” I answered.

“Tell me.” He grinned. “Tell me. Tell me. Tell me.”

“We’re here!” I turned to glance at him to see him eagerly looking out the window as I turned into the car park.

“Ice-cream?” He asked. “We drove 20 minutes out of town, for ice-cream!” he said incredulously as he looked around.

It was pretty much just an ice-cream parlour in the middle of nowhere, but what he didn’t know, was that there was something else I wanted to show him, hidden in the bushy surroundings.

“Not just any ice-cream.” I answered as I parked and looked at him. “There’s somewhere else we go to eat the ice-cream. I promise, its great.”

“Okay,” He scoffed, getting out of the car as I did the same.

We went into the shop and the girl behind the counter grinned at me, she served me most times I was here.

Louis rolled his eyes and muttered something sexist at her as I ordered and got our ice cream before we left.

“Here,” I handed his to him. “Through here, come on.”

“What the actual fuck.” He stated looking at me and then the small gravel path leading into the thick bushes that I had gestured down. “No Harry Styles. I am not following you in there. I could die.” He crossed his arms and looked at me in disbelief. It was quite cute actually.

“You won’t die.” I laughed. “I do this all the time, come on, its fine.”

“Nuh uh,” He shook his head, so I gave him my best puppy eyes. “No that’s not fair!” He protested as I stepped closer to him. “Fine!” He threw his hands up.

“Its worth it, trust me.”

So we walked down the narrow path for a while, through the trees until we came to a clearing with a very old wooden playground.

“Come on!” I urged him as I started climbing up into the tree house.

He rolled his eyes at me and again, muttered something under his breath before following me.
Once I got up there, I let out a breath and looked around. It was just the same as every other time. There was a balcony that I went and sat at as I waited for Louis to join me. I sat on the floor and hung my legs over the edge, resting my arms on the railing.

“Woah,” Louis breathed and I turned around to see him standing slightly behind me, looking out over the view.
“Told ya.” I replied as he sat next to me, keeping his eyes out on the sun setting over the ocean. The treehouse was just tall enough and the trees just short enough to be able to see the sun setting over Santa Monica pier. It was beautiful.

I looked at Louis, the orange sun illuminating his face. It was full of wonder and innocence, something I hadn’t seen before. I couldn’t help but stare at his beauty as he looked out over the oceam.

“It’s gorgeous.” He said, turning to look at me. I took a bite from my ice cream and nodded.

“Do you feel better yet?” I asked with a grin and he nodded as he took a bite from his.

“Thanks.” He said in a small voice as he turned to look at me.

“No problem, I knew it would work.” I answered, still grinning as he playfully nudged my shoulder with his.

We sat in silence for a while as we finished our treat, just enjoying each others’ company.

He rested his head on my shoulder after a bit and let out a sigh.

“This is nice,” He said and I hummed in agreement. “So how often do you come here?”

“Not really all that much.” I shrugged. “But its nice every once in a while. Reminds me of the beauty in the world.”

I really hoped he wouldn’t pick up on my saying so, but that was exactly what I was trying to do for him. I wanted him to see the beauty in the world again, because it seemed to me that that was what he was missing. He always looked at the negatives rather than the positives.

The glass was always half empty, with Louis.

“Yeah,” he breathed, looking up to me but keeping our faces in close proximity. I knew he said he wanted time and that “he couldn’t”, whatever that meant, but I was really hoping he would kiss me.

I smiled, trying to keep my eyes on his, but they kept flickering to his lips. They were so perfect, and just there.

“You know,” He said. “I just wanted to- um, thank you. For everything you’ve done for me.”

“Don’t mention it” I replied.

“No, I mean,” He said nervously. “I don’t deserve you being so caring all the time. And I don’t want to mess it up. I always mess it up…”

“You do deserve it.” I answered, putting a finger under his chin. “And you won’t mess it up. I’m in this for the long run.”

“W-What is this?” He whispered anxiously.

“What ever you want it to be.” I answered softly.

He visibly gulped, then licked his lips before quickly connecting our lips in a very sweet, very chaste kiss. It wasn’t long, and he pulled away quickly, clearly still nervous.

I knew he was still very uncomfortable around me, so I was glad he even thought about kissing me.

“Thanks.” He said again, resting our foreheads together as he smiled. I wasn’t sure whether he was thanking me for the outing, or for the kiss, but I was fine with either.

I flashed a dimpled smile before quickly kissing his cheek and standing up. “C’mon, lets go.” I held a hand out for him to take as I helped him up, pulling him into my chest. I rested a hand on his waist momentarily before letting him go.

But he pulled me back. He grabbed my hand and spun me back around, his eyebrows furrowed concentration. Then he swiftly grabbed my cheeks and pulled my lips to his.

This kiss was harder and much more passionate than the other, like Louis was trying to show me how much I meant to him. I kissed him back, stroking the skin between his t-shirt and pants.

He pulled back with a nervous smile and I took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before going back inside the tree house to climb down.

“Lets go.” I said again and he nodded happily before we left the view of the now darkening sky.


*sigh* larry cuteness and Harry just being the general bae he is :)





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