Pain #18

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Pain #18
~*a nightmare*~
You were at school, having a fun time with your friends in drama class. The bell rang and you left class, deciding to go to the bathroom as you had suffered weird pains in the previous class.
You walk into the toilet cubicle and bam! There is a crime scene in your pants. So you do your business, clean up and put on your preferred item of protection before flushing the potty, washing and drying your hands and then left the bathroom.
The cramps and pains continue to irk you until you want to break down and cry. The hunt for Panadol is proving difficult, none of your friends have any and you really don't want to go to the front office to get some. Then, one amazing friend has some, you take the drugs and then continue onto the next class with this friend. You discover this friend has chocolate and she gave you some, you were happy, but then...

Dear readers the above story is true *cries*

And if you haven't already guessed, this update is about when Panadol doesn't kick in to stop the pain that comes with being women.

If only I had a heat pack I would be the happiest person ever.

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