You Made It

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"Congratulations baby you made it!" my boyfriend of the past 3 years Kris yelled as I ran into his arms. I had just graduated high school and was ready for college. Kris was a year older than me but my parents loved his ass and I did too.

"Thank you baby. I'm so ready for college now!" I squealed as my mom and dad popped up.

"You're ready for college now but come midterms you'll be on the couch crying saying you hate school," my father joked but he was right. I was smart as hell but hated to take test.

"I'll pay one of the smart kids to take it then," I teased as I leaped into my daddy's arms. I was a true daddy's girl. My dad could do no wrong in my eyes.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl," my mom squealed as she wrapped her arms around me. My mom was my mother and my best friend. I could talk to her about anything without her getting upset. I couldn't wait until I had kids and was able to have a bond like this with them.

"Where do you want to eat at today babygirl?" my father asked as my mother released me from her arms.

"Let's go to J Alexanders!" Everyone knows that I love that placed and I'm not even sure why my dad even asked me that.

"Alright, but before we go I need to give you your graduation gift," my father stated as I stood holding Kris hand.

When my dad handed me a gift bag I got excited because it's like he always tried to out do every gift he has gotten me. Pulling out the gift box inside of it, I untied the pink bow and opened it. "Are you serious dad!" I screamed as I pulled the key fold out of it.


"Where is it?" I excitedly yelled while looking around the parking lot.

"Turn around."

When I turned around I was meet with a black on black 2019 Jeep. It had the works and my dad had the tires just like I liked it on there. I was a country girl at heart and was ready to enjoy my new jeep. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I jumped up and down and kissed both my parents.

"We will all be following behind you!" my dad spoke as everyone including Kris walked off to their car. I was going to tell Kris he could ride with me but he drove his own shit so I was col because I was about to put this system my dad put in my jeep to use.

As soon as I started my jeep, I grabbed the aux cord and cut on lil baby off da rip. That song was shit and I just need I was about to be turnt. Soon as it blasted through my speakers I had the whole parking lot turnt and my dad was shaking his head.

"You ready to eat or what?" my dad yelled when he pulled up next to me in his matching white Jeep.

I just looked at him, laughed, and pulled off as he followed behind me and Kris behind him. I was hungry as fuck and could not wait to eat. I had just graduated high school, got a new car to add to my collection that I had at home already, and was about to start college this summer because I didn't want to take any breaks. My life was perfect.

Sorry Mama I Fell In Love With A Dope BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora