"Your sitting in the Mickey mouse chair you know what that means" He squatted down to her level and placed his hands on his knees. "What" Darcy got closer with excitement. "You get a free ice cream in compliments of Mickey Mouse" He smiled while patting her back.

"Really" she squealed looking around. He nodded while walking away. We all ate our lunch in silence, my mind was in deep thought. Harry wanted to see me how could I hide this. I forced a smile on my face, and focused on my baby Darcy. She was devouring he pizza within seconds. Sauce was covering her chin. Coming up behind her I saw Mickey Mouse coming our way with an ice cream Sundae. Darcy looked at him with wide eyes as he set the bowl down.

"Whats your name?" Mickey asked while placing a hand on his hip. Darcy looked at me for assurance I gave her a nod. " I am Darcy" She softly said hiding behind her chocolate curls. "Well Darcy enjoy your ice cream" He said in a cheery voice as he walked away.

Darcy didn't hesitate to shove her hand into the ice cream and scoop it into her mouth. "Gemma you used to eat like that when you were little" Anne laughed as Darcy continued to scoop it into her mouth. I grabbed her napkin and patted her face down, "Slow down hun you don't want a brain freeze" I warned.

"Darcy is a true lady" Gemma said smiling as I gave her a look. She just smirked and sipped her drink. Darcy laid back and let out a small burp. I saw Gem chuckled as I laughed as well. "True lady" I added as Darcy smiled shyly.

Our meal was finished and we all stood up. "How about we go to Its A Small World" Anne asked while grabbing her glasses. I slung Darcy's baby bag over my shoulder. "No-" Gemma began to say, but I cut her off. "Sure lets go guys" I said with a sly smiled and walked by with Darcy on my hip. "Bitch" Gem muttered.

"Bwetch" Darcy said back with confusion. I looked at Gemma with wide eyes. She shook her head frantically. "No Darcy don't say that its a bad word" Gemma scolded. "Nice adult figure you are" Anne teased as we walked into the line. The line was so long, but Anne insisted. This was one of the rides she would only go on because it was slow.

The line went by in about 40 minutes and we were hopping onto the boat. I had to lift Darcy over because her tiny legs could only go so far. I slide next to Darcy and hoisted her on my lap. I placed a kiss on her cheek as Gemma and Anne stumbled onto the boat. I adjusted her mickey mouse ears that were falling off her head.

"Alright now smile" Anne cheered while lifting her camera. "Mom do you need to take pictures every ride they go on" Gem groaned. I slapped her shoulder while holding Darcy to my chest. "Hey one day when she will be making scrapbooks she would love these pictures" Anne retorted while waving her hand around.

"Be a good sport Gem" I cooed as the boat started to move. We entered a small tunnel as Darcy wrapped her hands around my neck. The annoying song became unbearable as the plastic people danced to the beat. This ride was quite annoying, i could see why Gemma wanted to skip it.

The boat moved around as Anne snapped pictures of everything. Gemma had a bored look on her face and she rested a hand on the side of the boat. Darcy crept over the front of my shoulder checking out the plastic figures. Her curls were tickling my ear, I moved my head due to the feeling.

The boat looped to the front and Gemma did not hesitate to get off. We all followed after her and piled outside. "Whats next" Anne asked while unfolding her map. "Splash mountain" i smirked towards Gem. She shook her head holding her ground, "Hell no" She firmly said.

"Oh don't be such a grump let go" I swayed my words."Its this way" Anne said while pointing to the opposite direction. "Or maybe this way" She said flipping the map upside down.

"Or we could follow the signs" I said pointing to the sign that way labeled Splash mountain. The arrow pointed to a direction Anne never suggested.

"Goody!" Gem sarcastically cheered. We all walked out way over there, Darcy insisted on walking by herself because she was a 'big girl' so I had let her. She managed to walk about 5 minutes then she wanted me to carry her. "Mommy I tiwerd" She whined lifting her arms up. Next thing you know she sat on my hip.

After waiting 30 minutes int he exhaustingly long line we enetered the room where the wooden loggs sat. I pushed Gemma in the front and sat directly behind her with Darcy nudged into my side. We loaded onto the log Darcy gripped on to me tight. Gemma hated the fact that when we got on the log, it was soaking wet. "I will get you for this" Gemma snapped while getting on. Anne stayed behind so she could take pictures.

The ride began to move and we made our way up the mountain. Darcy hid herself in my chest when she saw the mean fox. Gemma glared at me with her arms crossed the whole time. We neared the top as I saw sunlight. We dropped and flew down as Darcy and Gemma let out screams. I shut my eyes yet sill held on to Darcy.

I was greeted with a splash on water and looked over at Gemma who was soaking wet. I bursted out laughing as her mascara was smudged. We pulled around to the front and we all got off. Gemma hurried out so she could fix her makeup. I hug out in the gift shop with Darcy.

"Look mama that's me" Darcy shouted pointing to the screen. There sat the picture of me Gemma and Darcy. Darcy's mouth was wide open as Gemma shut her eyes and looked like she saw a ghost. My hair was flying everywhere and I was laughing. I purchased the picture just to tease Gemma. Once we finished paying for the picture I walked out holding Darcy's hand and I walked up to Anne.

"Your daughter is so photogenic" I laughed showing her the picture. She smiled widely before snapping a picture of her. I posted it to twitter and tagged Gemma.

TiffanyJoy: @GemmaAnneStyles you are a true stunna? Twitterpic://34yxc578kl3

I saw a tweet from her and I laughed while retweeting her.

@GemmaAnneStyles: You must die at once :( @Tiffanyjoy

Gemma walked back all cleaned up. "Lets head over to the castle the fireworks are starting soon" Anne said while grabbing her purse. We got up and walked the great distance to the castle. The sun was setting and the sky was gradually getting darker. I have always wanted to see the castle lit up and the fireworks. We rushed over so we could make it in time.

Once we were there, there was a crowd of people. I saw a park bench that laid under a oak tree. I walked over and sat Darcy down, which she let out a lawn. She looked so cute tired. We were talking for a few minutes and our conversation soon got cut off with a loud bang- the fireworks.

The random colors filled the sky, with each bang Darcy would jump. Her tired body laid in my arms, as I watched with awe. I looked around and saw the cute couples kissing, and the fathers holding their daughters on their shoulders. I felt envy while looking down at my precious baby.

The fireworks soon ended and everyone filed out of the park. Darcy had fell asleep so I carried her to the tram. We rode back to the hotel and once we got off I carried her straight to the room. I had taken off her mickey ear and set them lightly on the deskside table. Setting her down on the bed I placed a kiss on her forehead before pulling the sheets over her sleeping body. "Goodnight baby" I whispered while shutting off the light.

I walked back out and ran into Gemma. "Ready for another day of Disney" I smiled while jumping on the sofa. "Boy am I ever" She cheered sarcastically. I gave her a little nudge following with a wink as I rummaged through my luggage to get my sleeping attire.

"Im gonna hit the sack see you bright and early" I said while jumping off the couch. I quietly walked into my room and slide into bed being cautious I didn't wake up Darcy. I pulled Darcy into my arms, greeting with loving warmth. She curled into my embrace and let out soft snores.

I peacefully fell asleep while holding my world in my arms


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