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Chapter 2
"Human Transmutation?"
M/R's Pov

"Ed! Al! Back so soon?" Winry smiled, opening the door wider so that we could all go through, "You should have called! You knew we were worried." She frowned at the two, moving to the side to make space for us to pass.

I walked in, the house was warm and comfortable. I walked over to the sofa and set Edward down, Winry's eyes following, then dropping to where Ed's missing leg was. Her fist became clenched as she grabbed the nearest wrench she could find and threw it at Ed, hitting him straight on the head.

"Again?! Why do you keep doing this to my beautiful creation!!" She shouted, hiding her face in her hands, groaning in frustration. Ed rubbed his head in pain, many signs of regret in his eyes. Alphonse slightly shook in fear, at least that's the sound that came from his armour. Winry turned to look at me, her anger and frustration switching to a warm smile.

"Hey, who might you be?" She asked, walking up to me with her hands behind her back. I smiled, "I'm M/R, it's nice to meet you." My hand automatically went out to shake her hand, she followed the action and we greeted each other, "It's nice to see that Edward has a girlfriend, even better that she's a cute one." I grinned.

They both flushed and Edward shook his head vigorously, "No no no! Winry is my mechanic! She's JUST my mechanic!" Winry nodded, looking to the side, a bit of sadness in her eyes but it was very well hidden. I noticed and frowned at her, but left it since I'm pretty sure she didn't want anyone to notice.

"Okay!" I said, trying to lighten up the mood, "Let's get Ed all fixed up." Winry nodded and went over to get her toolbox. Alphonse sat next to Edward and gestured for me to sit next to him. I did as asked, allowing my muscles to relax as I stretched my legs out.

"So, where are you from?" Alphonse asked curiously, resting his metal hand on Edward's shoulder as he drooped to the side. I hummed, "Mmm...(Country/City name)." Expanding on the last syllable of the name. I clicked my fingers and shook my head, running my hand through my (Hair Length) Hair.

"Why'd you decide to move then?" Edward leaned against his left hand.

I scoffed, "How'd you know I'm moving?" He motioned his eyes towards my suitcase that sat next to the front door. I sighed, 'oh, right. Forgot about that.' I shook my head and smiled, "Not really moving, just wanted to get away from it all." Edward arched his elbow and looked at me, wanting to know what I meant by that.

"So when are you going back, then?"

I look at him, then turned my attention to the floor. I sighed, "Not really going back either." I shrugged. Winry came back into the room after searching for the parts that were needed for Ed's automail. I really was curious about how he lost his leg. His arm appeared to be automail too. Weird.

I watched as Winry went over to her work table and began to work on Ed's leg. She asked me if I had a place to stay. I shook my head. "If you're not moving here and if you're not going back, where will you stay?" Alphonse asked, leaning down to look at my face. I shrugged once again and playfully, lightly kicked his armour. My eyes widened.


"Hm? Yeah M/R?"



My throat choked back the words, my eyes darted across the room, avoiding Alphonse's helmet. Edward looked at me weirdly. "You..." I spoke up, "You're hollow. Aren't you?"

Alphonse went quiet. The whole room did too. Oh god, did I say something wrong? 'Well no, duh, I did! I just pointed out the fact that someone was a hollow walking-talking suit of armour!'

Edward nudged me, looking at me very seriously in the eyes. Those hazel-golden eyes- damn it, no stop. "You...How did you know?" He asked me, his voice sending shivers down my spine. I gulped, "I-I know someone that's like him. T-That's all!" I avoided eye contact, biting my lips and mentally shrieked.

We all sat in uncomfortable silence.

"Have you heard of the Philosophers Stone?" Edward asked.

My eyes shot open.



Don't leave me.

Not again.

"M/R! Help me! Please! Brother!" No, stop...

"Hey. Why don't we try and get (sister's name) back with Alchemy?"

"Sounds like a good idea!"

No...Stop, please...

"Wait a second, is this supposed to happen?"


I'm so sorry...

"Hey, M/R, do you know who we are?"

No..No I don't...

"They're gone...What did you do to them?! Why're YOU still here?!"

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'M SORRY


No..Come back, don't leave me. Please...Please..!


I gained back my thought and shot back to reality. Tears pricked at my eyes and fell. I hitched my breath and rubbed my eyes. Edward frowned, "Hey...You okay?"

Everyone looked worried. I shook my head, "It's nothing! Really!" I nervously chuckled, the lump in my throat still there. The memories stopped flooding in, memories that I had forgotten long ago.

"Judging from your reaction...I suppose you know what he's talking about" Alphonse said, a hint of sadness in his voice. I hesitantly nodded, gazing out of the window with my hands trembling on my lap. "Yeah...It's..I've had a bit of history with it." I bit my lip, choking the tears back.

Alphonse sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder, "Hey. It's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

'Damn, tears. Stop. You've gone past that. You're over it M/R, stop.' I shook my head, "Nah...It's fine.." I looked towards him, "I'll open up eventually." A pained smile forming on my face, my hands still trembling.

Winry stopped working and walked up to me, crouching down to look at my face. "There's a spare room upstairs with a bathroom. You can wash up and rest there for a bit. Calm your mind down, okay?" She smiled sweetly, helping me up.

I nodded, it's for the best. "Yeah...Thanks, Winry" I returned the smile, made my way upstairs and looked for the spare bedroom. Once finding it, I went in and closed the door behind me, collapsing onto the bed. My mouth loves to slip irrelevant things out from my irrelevant life, doesn't it?

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