Chapter 2 - Theories

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I'll try and make this one longer than the other chapter.

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Hiccup and Astrid stared in shock. In front of them were two unconscious dragons. And to make things more interesting, one of the dragon's scales was purple. The two of them flew closer when they heard an explosion from inside the mountain. Fishlegs and Snotlout came walking behind them with the twins just landing.

"Ruff. Tuff. Really?" Hiccup wasn't enthusiastic to hear the twins blow the mountain up. He then turned his attention back to the two unconscious dragons where Fishlegs was standing there investigating them. "So Fishlegs, what do you think about these dragons?" Hiccup was now staring at Fishlegs who was now flicking through his cards of dragons.

"Hmm. I can't seem to find anything about those dragons. I mean, I've don't think I've seen them before." Fishlegs has finally finished flicking through his cards. "Let's take them back to berk so we can investigate them further.

"Ok then. Astrid, Snotlout, you two can carry the black dragon. While Fishlegs and I carry the purple one." Everyone agreed except for the twins.

"What about us? What do we do?" Tuffnut complained as he hopped onto Belch. Ruffnut who was already on Barf gave a nod in agreement.

"Well, the two of you can just follow behind." Hiccup tried to assure them but received uninterested looks from Tuffnut. "Uugh. Come on. We don't have time on our hands."

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The six of them arrived at the arena where they decided to store the dragons in the cages. Hiccup pulled out a notebook from his vest and started to sketch them. "Hey Bud, I'm going to grab lunch. You stay here and guard the dragons ok?" Hiccup then gave Toothless a pat on his head. The rest of the gang then followed behind without their dragons.

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While Hiccup left, the purple dragon started to move. Toothless nor the other dragons noticed him awake until Hiccup came back.

"Hey Bud, I've brought you..." Hiccup's attention then turned towards the purple dragon who was awake now. He then finished his sentence. "Lunch."

The teens and their dragons then turned towards the purple dragon who was now awake.

"Oh Hiccup! One of them is awake!" Fishlegs looked like he was going to pee his pants.

Hiccup just grunted. "Ok. We'll investigate them a bit farther. Ruff, Tuff, Snotlout the three of you can leave." The three of them sighed as they mounted onto their ragons and took off out of the arena. "So what do you guys think?"

(Nothing = Hiccup, italics = Fishlegs, Underline = Astrid )

"Well, the purple one has two horns on its head which could be useful for ramming."

"How about the tail. I mean that the tail has some sort of weird tip on the end."

"It could be used for bashing from behind."

"It looks kind of small to do too much damage."

"I'll probably put this under the boulder class for now."

"And the other one?"

"It does has sharp horns on its head. Not to mention the blades it has on the end of its wings and tail so this could go under the sharp class."

"But what about the necklace and bracelets on the other one?"

"That one could've escaped from dragon hunters."

The three of them turned towards the two dragons just to see the purple one laying next to the black one with a fire burning near by.

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Spyro has shifted next to Cynder and gave her a nudge but he felt her shiver. He scanned his surroundings just to find a small trough of water, and hay laying in the corner of the cage. Spyro nudged the hay closer to Cynder while trying to avoid the water.

Once he moved some of the hay closer, he ignited a small fire as it started to grow before he decided to lay down next to Cynder.

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Oh gosh... Two in one day. Tbh, I am thinking about what to say as I go along. It is quite difficult since I don't have a layout of what I want but I do have some ideas about what i want

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