Chapter 12

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Uriah's POV

"Get up ya lazy bum."
I open my eyes and see Zeke standing above me.
"What do you want," I groan and roll over, stuffing my face into the pillow.
"Good news bro," he says.
What could possibly be good after all that's happened?
"What," I say plainly.
"Peter's alive after all," Zeke states.
I immediately turn over and look at him, shocked. "WHAT?!" I say. I realize that that was probably a wrong reaction. "I mean uh-" I try and make myself sound happy for him being alive, although it would be nice if he was dead. Yes, it would. "Great," I say, smiling. "That means I don't have to stay locked up in this apartment for two weeks."
Zeke nods and starts to walk off. He turns back around and looks at me. "Oh yeah I forgot," he says. "Max wants you to work on training the dauntless born initiates when they come tomorrow. But-"
Oh crap here it comes.
Zeke continues. "Peter will help you."
"Yay," I sarcastically say.
Zeke laughs lightly and leaves.
I decide to go see Lynn and Marlene. I get out of bed and get ready. I slip on a tshirt and jeans and run my fingers through my hair so I don't look like I just woke up. Then I leave and walk to Marlene's apartment.
I knock on the door and nobody answers. I slowly open it and see nobody in the living room.
"Mar," I say.
I hear a voice. "In here."
I walk to the bedroom and see Marlene laying down in bed.
"You're not up yet?" I ask her.
She shakes her head no.
"Are you feeling okay?" I look at her. She looks 10x better than when Lynn and I found her yesterday.
Marlene sighs and shrugs.
"What's wrong?" I ask. I sit on the edge of the bed beside her and kiss her on the forehead.
"Nothing Uriah," she states simply. She looks at the wall when she's talking, and not at me.
I sigh and she doesn't move. We sit there in silence for about three minutes and I decide to speak up.
I take a deep breath. "What happened when Peter took you?" I feel like that may have been an awkward question to ask, but Peter could have seriously hurt her.
"I don't want to talk about it." I see tears forming in her eyes.
"Shut up," she snaps back at me.
I don't say anything else and a few seconds later, she burst out crying.
Tears are falling down her face like a rain storm and I pull her into a hug. It makes her cry harder and I hold her tight.
"Shhh," I say. "It's okay. You're okay. I'm here."
She buries her face in my chest and I can feel her tears coming through my shirt. "Don't cry, Mar."
She keeps crying and all I can do is let her. Maybe she just needs to relieve some stress, I don't know. I never see her cry this much. Ever.
"Hey," I say. "Its okay."
"Uri," I can barely hear her through all the tears and sniffing.
"Don't leave me. Please," she begs. "I only feel safe when I'm with you and-"
I pull her away from my chest and kiss her on the lips. She doesn't kiss back, she just sits there. I feel weird after what I've just done, but Marlene lays her head on my shoulder.
"Promise me-," she sniffles. "-that you'll never leave me." I pull her back and look into her eyes. She looks so innocent and helpless, but I'll do anything to protect her.
"I promise," I whisper.
She kisses me lightly on the lips and wraps her arms around me. She lays her head back down on my shoulder and I hold her tight. We sit like this for about ten minutes, and then she falls asleep, safely in my arms.
(Very short chapter, but I needed a chapter with some Urlene action. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please leave feedback in the comments and if you're feeling kind, then maybe leave me a vote. Thanks so much to all of you who read this story. It almost has 1k views! XD and yes...Peters alive.)

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