Chapter 3

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   "YAY! My sweet flower will be here everyday now! Now that your a part of the family you will call me Daddy, got it? I'm so excited! I get a new daughter!" Tamaki was spinning me in a giant circle and didn't seem to be letting go any time soon. "Takashi! Help me!" I yelled! In an instant, Takashi was holding me high in the air. My feet were hovering about three feet from the floor and Takashi had his hands under my arm-pits. When I said help I didn't mean this. I sweat dropped and looked at him. He was still holding me after a while and Tamaki coughed. "It's okay Mori! Come here little one! Let Daddy give you a hug!" Tamaki was smiling and tried to hug me, but when Takashi put me down I immediately ran behind him to avoid Tamaki. "Hey, now that I think about it-" "Did Yuki just call Mori-senpai-" "Takashi?" The twins both had evil smirks on their faces and their hands were under their chins. Everyone turned and looked at me, and to top it all off I was still hiding behind him. "U-Um, Takashi insisted." I said quietly as I gripped the back of his jacket. They all smiled or laughed. "She's just so cute!" Tamaki said as he ran at me. I squealed and used all of my strength to pull Takashi so that he was blocking me from Tamaki. To my surprise, Takashi fell over from the momentum and pulled me down with him. I landed on top of him, my arms on either side of his head. Everyone was staring at me shocked. "I-I am so sorry Takashi!" I said while I got off of him and sat on my knees. I put my head in one of my hands and the other was in front of me to support my weight. He sat up and smiled at me. He put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair with a chuckle. I've been hearing that chuckle a lot lately. Does he always chuckle so often? I blushed and smiled as he helped me up. "Flower, you just made Takashi fall............ Daddy's so proud of you! I had no idea my daughter was so strong!" He smiled and hugged me, not a big extravagant hug like last time though. I sighed a breath of relief. "I'm not that strong. I just caught Takashi by surprise, that's all." I said with a giggle.

"No, your strong." Takashi said. Well, that's that I guess. I blushed a little and smiled. Honey raced up to me and jumped on my back. "Your amazing Yuka-chan! Nobody is stronger then Takashi!" He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Thank Honey! To the cake!" I said while I ran over to the cake table, Honey chattering excitedly on my back. I grinned and playfully threw him on to the couch. He bounced a bit and giggled before digging in to his cake. Takashi sat beside me as always. I smiled and brought out my book, I was almost done and I was determined to finish it before the twins ruined it. Which, they've threatened to do many times. I sat there for what felt like hours, but in reality was only minutes. Before I knew it, I was on the last page of the book. I grinned a bit to my self before continuing, but the Host Club could not let that happen. The twins sat on either side of me with their faces close to my ears and were talking to me about random things. I could push the noise aside, but then Honey started poking me in the side. I was super ticklish, so this became problematic.((Just a heads up, I'm a total nerd and use big words frequently.)) I pushed through the tickling and the noise, but then Tamaki started yelling something about his daughter becoming antisocial. He leaned over the couch and wrapped his arms around my upper body and started twisting. Why is he so weird. I pushed through though, determined to finish. I got to the very last paragraph, when Takashi took my book out of my hands and handed it to Kyoya. What. The. Hell? These boys just can't let me finish one freaking story! I sighed and dropped my hands in my lap. The boys were all still yelling and poking and hugging, while I just sat there staring at the wall. Eventually, Kyoya came up and flicked my forehead. I scowled at him, then moved my hand back and gently hit Tamaki in the back of the head. Then I did the same to the twins. They all stopped to rub their heads, but Honey was still poking me, so I reached over and started tickling him. I giggled a little with him and then stopped. Now that all of the pests, and Honey, were gone I just had to get my book back. I looked over to a table over to the side of the room. Sure enough, there sat Kyoya. He had his laptop out, but he was reading my book. I scowled a bit and stood up, causing the boys to all fall. Apparently, they were about to hug me or something of the sort. It never ends with them! I glared a bit, then walked over to the side table and sat across from Kyoya. "Is that a good book, Kyoya-kun?" I asked sweetly, yet sarcastically. He looked up and grinned evilly. "I don't know, it's a little girly for my taste." He said before looking back down and continuing. "That stinks. Maybe you should let a girl read it and get her opinion." I suggested coldly. I started to reach over to take it, but Kyoya is a lot faster then me. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. I leaned back in my chair and puffed my cheeks out. He chuckled a bit and threw it at me, hitting me in the head. It was a light book, but I still fell out of my chair.

"I hate you Kyoya-kun."

((Okay, I know it's super short, but I couldn't help it. People wanted me to update and I got so happy I just had to get a chapter out as soon as possible! I promise the next one will be longer! Thanks to all those who commented and favorited!))     

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